Anonymous5: I don't think this artist knows how sex works. Why the hell does this furry abomination of Bumble Bee have a dick in his groin where it's suppose to be while Waspinator has a dick in his wasp-sternum? He has a fucking dick for a stinger...
Anonymous7: Alright, I personally like this artist, so I'm going to set something straight here.
The Bumblebee and Waspinator in this picture are techno-organics, meaning they are still Cybertronian, but also part bee and wasp respectively. This considered, they have the 'parts' of both Cybertronians and their organic sides, hence two appendages.
Bees and wasps' reproductive organs are in their abdomen in a slit called a metasoma. Quite frankly everything is where it should be, and this artist does a lot of great work with interesting ideas.
Source is the-badass-kitty-bee on tumblr. They currently do work on a series they refer to as Dragonformers and I personally love it.
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The Bumblebee and Waspinator in this picture are techno-organics, meaning they are still Cybertronian, but also part bee and wasp respectively. This considered, they have the 'parts' of both Cybertronians and their organic sides, hence two appendages.
Bees and wasps' reproductive organs are in their abdomen in a slit called a metasoma. Quite frankly everything is where it should be, and this artist does a lot of great work with interesting ideas.
Source is the-badass-kitty-bee on tumblr. They currently do work on a series they refer to as Dragonformers and I personally love it.
Thank you.