Anonymous1: The premise of this old pic is that there’s this fictitious gentleman’s club in Disneyland that goes by the name of Club 33, and there’s a nightly dominatrix show that changes based on which princess wins that day’s wargame. The wargame idea was taken from the film Peter Pan, where the lost boys and the Indian tribe played this game of capture and release. The inspiration came from some chap in the old ABPED group who wanted to see Tigerlily dominating Pocahontas... I kind of liked that idea.
Beerman: I hate it when I upload a pic and then I get logged out... my commentary credits to anon... Oi!
Anyway I'd like to add that I also experimented with lighting on this pic, trying to depict a spotlit stage and Sony jumbo screen in the background.
Btw, did I also mention that I really liked the idea of this little hottie having her way with Poca?
Anonymous8: In J.M. Barrie's works Tiger Lily's tribe is the Picaninny, but that is generally not mentioned nowadays because of the negative connotations of the name.
Urbane_Guerrilla: @Anonymous8: Not that a 1900-era Englishman would have known or cared.
@Anonymous3: Kink's downfall is in his plotting and writing, rather than his draftsmanship. He's obsessive, and knows it. When you're an obsessive, you risk monotonousness; it helps to have four or more obsessions so you can at least set up a rota.
Urbane_Guerrilla: From this pic and from the book and movie... we may ask if any Pic's ever use a riding crop for, er, riding? Or is the idea more we can only Burn Um once if we capture um -- but we can thrash um when capture um heap lots of times, and save um for laters. That's pirates OR Boys.
Anyway I'd like to add that I also experimented with lighting on this pic, trying to depict a spotlit stage and Sony jumbo screen in the background.
Btw, did I also mention that I really liked the idea of this little hottie having her way with Poca?
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Alas, it is not to be.
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@Anonymous3: Kink's downfall is in his plotting and writing, rather than his draftsmanship. He's obsessive, and knows it. When you're an obsessive, you risk monotonousness; it helps to have four or more obsessions so you can at least set up a rota.