Anonymous1: "I don't have any money to pay for my meal but here's an IOU."
"Sorry Miss, but if you can't pay I'll take another form of compensation then..."
Anonymous3: actully based on the show/manga statting she really needs the idiot for whatever reason and Eucliwood's is Ayumu's favorite the notes pry read like this. note#1(top right most message)I know you've wanted me since we first meet so after dinner lets have sex my perverted servent. :idiot: realy this is absolutely fantastic. note#2(very bottom) fuck me harder :idiot: anything you want just tell and it's yours. note#3(in her mouth)and every one says the first time will be your worst attempted good thing you've got no limiter. :idiot: that seems a touch mean but as long as it was good for you I don't care about anything else at all. note#4(in her left hand)that was quite a bit of sperm you srayed in me if We get pregnant whould you preffer a boy or girl? :idiot: if I have you it could be a three-headed fire-breathing mutant I'd still love em more than life it-self.
note#5(still on the notepad)i that case lets do this everyday startting tomarrow and next time I expect more then four orgasm's or I'll punish you. :idiot: wow you had maltiple climaxes sweet I didn't to bad!!
"Sorry Miss, but if you can't pay I'll take another form of compensation then..."
note#5(still on the notepad)i that case lets do this everyday startting tomarrow and next time I expect more then four orgasm's or I'll punish you. :idiot: wow you had maltiple climaxes sweet I didn't to bad!!