on regards to the picture, ya it's crappy. to be honest, i've just started doing this, for fun by the way. hopefully the more i do, the better i get. so for reference, i know it's not the best quality, maybe not even okay quality. but please hold back on the "this sucks" comments, i'm tying to get better so let me know how i can.
Tendallacandybar: by the way, in panel 6, i know it's hard to tell but it basically says: Flaming dick + Kyoko = Kyoko breathing fire/or mouth on fire.
Tendallacandybar: No I'm not offended, I'm a serious artist and I appreciate that you took the time to comment. This was the first time I tried to draw with the mouse on my laptop and as you know it wasn't succesful. I am more of a paper pencil kind of man.
Here's some of my work to show I'm not all talk.
Anonymous2: Why the fuck is it backwards? Are you Japanese? Do you read books that way? Or are you just aping a culture you know nothing about by trying to copy the most idiotic and obtuse detail of it without understanding or caring where it comes from or how it came to be?
1- i did it in that style just on a whim, i just thought it might look good.
2- I'm not Japanese, I'm an Armenian that lives in the USA, more specifically Virginia.
3- yes, i do read manga. FYI- if you didn't know, that's how Japanese books are. the exact opposite of American books.
4- and it's true, I'm no expert on Japanese art or the particular style they use, but i am learning.
and why do i need to take some time?
On another note: English is not my first Lang,so I'm a bit con fused, what does "TL;DR Fucking weeaboo faggots" mean? is this an insult?
Killamajig: It means "In case my post was too long and you didn't bother to read it, I'm offended by the tendency of anime fans to ape the obvious surface details of Japanese culture - writing comics to be read right to left, scattering Japanese phrases into their speech, etc - without having any actual understanding of either the culture or the language".
Expect to get this sort of response from adults unless you're actually writing the comic to be published in Japanese, Arabic, or Hebrew.
Tendallacandybar: Thank you Killamajig for explaining it to me. but as i said before i just used this style on a whim and i'm not an expert on the subject.
And thank you Anon3, you didn't have to say that. and as you said, i'm only doing this for fun. and i don't ask for money for my work.
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on regards to the picture, ya it's crappy. to be honest, i've just started doing this, for fun by the way. hopefully the more i do, the better i get. so for reference, i know it's not the best quality, maybe not even okay quality. but please hold back on the "this sucks" comments, i'm tying to get better so let me know how i can.
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Here's some of my work to show I'm not all talk.
_ _
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Take your time.
TL;DR Fucking weeaboo faggots
1- i did it in that style just on a whim, i just thought it might look good.
2- I'm not Japanese, I'm an Armenian that lives in the USA, more specifically Virginia.
3- yes, i do read manga. FYI- if you didn't know, that's how Japanese books are. the exact opposite of American books.
4- and it's true, I'm no expert on Japanese art or the particular style they use, but i am learning.
and why do i need to take some time?
On another note: English is not my first Lang,so I'm a bit con fused, what does "TL;DR Fucking weeaboo faggots" mean? is this an insult?
Expect to get this sort of response from adults unless you're actually writing the comic to be published in Japanese, Arabic, or Hebrew.
And thank you Anon3, you didn't have to say that. and as you said, i'm only doing this for fun. and i don't ask for money for my work.
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