Anonymous6: Ugh, more futa. Pic would be good if it weren't for that.
I swear, if it's a decently drawn picture, it's either ruined by being a pedophile image, or by being futa. There aren't that many well-done "regular" images. A shame, considering how attractive many of LoL's women are.
TheScarredAngel: Again, I will join the one side and say that futa is merely not to my taste. Nothing against people who like it, but I think there should be a balance between futa and non-futa. Or at least a version of each for pictures.
Anonymous11: Alistar pics: 1
Rammus pics: 3
Cho'Gath pics: 2 (bad ones)
Nasus pics: 1
Renekton pics: 0 :(
Kog'maw pics: 0 (not to my taste, but some might want)
Anivia pics: 1 (with rammus)
Warwick pics: 3
Those of you complaining of not enough xyz pics can't say anything... gief more "out of the ordinary" plz. :S
Anonymous12: Futa be damned, my problem is that it doesn't fuckin' look like Akali at ALL. Although Stinger Akali skin DOES have blonde hair, it's platinum blonde, not bright yellow.
Anonymous21(3): if someone have good skils in photoshop then it would be nice if this person try to remake this pic....
I tried to edit it a bit but currently I changed the penis effect on her cloths but can't do a shit about her crotch area .... (can't see it in what place I should clear this mess and where should it leave it and recolour)
and yeah making something in PS without tablet suck balls ;/
hate me, troll me but I don't care this pic need normal clean version too and if artist give a fuck about this then we need to make good version of this
Ensse: @Anon25: Not everyone opens an image from the thumbnail. I, for one, got here by clicking on your comment from the recent comments list on the side of the main page.
@Anon2: No, we have enough futa. I check this site every day, and it seems to me that futa and yaoi outnumber the "regular" stuff. Hell, futa might have it outnumbered by itself.
Anonymous27(25): @Ensse: It's kind of silly for someone to click a link blindly and not expect the possibility it will lead somewhere they don't like. And that goes for anyone - everyone has something they don't like, and this site carries basically everything.
You click a link without a thumbnail at your own risk.
Ensse: @Anon27: Yes, and I understand that. I'm also not posting hate comments on this. If you or anyone else likes futa, I'm fine with that. I just don't understand it. I don't know about you, but I've known guys who called themselves straight, and admit to liking futas. As far as I'm concerned, if it has a dick, it's a guy.
Anonymous28(25): @Ensse: I can only speak for myself, and any words I use will be inadequate to describe the way I really feel about it (which I find is true of any fetish, for anyone, in the history of ever). But my thing about it is: I like seeing hot girls having sex with each other. I like seeing a girl riding a cock. Futa is the best of both worlds.
I fully admit I only really care for futa-on-girl action, and I don't like fencepost-sized genitalia either. My tastes are pretty tame. But hopefully any heterosexual male can at least see where I'm coming from, with the above description, even if they don't share the taste themselves.
Killamajig: ^ This Anon speaks for me, with the exception:
Binary hetero/homosexuality was debunked in the 50s and has made a resurgence only as sexual orientation becomes a political issue. As a Kinsey 2.5 or thereabouts, I can appreciate a nice penis if the bearer otherwise appeals to me. My primary trigger is a feminine aspect; I like traps just fine too.
I'm aroused by the subject, not their genitals. Those are just for fun.
More futa. More Normal pics, less pedo.
less futa, more normal pics, less pedo
we have like million futa and pedo pics .... why we can't have normal porn pics with non-midget girls from LoL
To the artist/uploader, you're a golden god. Please keep uploading!
I swear, if it's a decently drawn picture, it's either ruined by being a pedophile image, or by being futa. There aren't that many well-done "regular" images. A shame, considering how attractive many of LoL's women are.
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Please make an alternate non-futa of this!
The balls and cock is the only thing I am satisfied with in this picture
And everyone complaining on the cock and dem balls must be gay
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Rammus pics: 3
Cho'Gath pics: 2 (bad ones)
Nasus pics: 1
Renekton pics: 0 :(
Kog'maw pics: 0 (not to my taste, but some might want)
Anivia pics: 1 (with rammus)
Warwick pics: 3
Those of you complaining of not enough xyz pics can't say anything... gief more "out of the ordinary" plz. :S
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I tried to edit it a bit but currently I changed the penis effect on her cloths but can't do a shit about her crotch area .... (can't see it in what place I should clear this mess and where should it leave it and recolour)
and yeah making something in PS without tablet suck balls ;/
hate me, troll me but I don't care this pic need normal clean version too and if artist give a fuck about this then we need to make good version of this
Grow the fuck up. You don't like it, don't look. I'm sure each and every one of you has a fetish someone else would bitch about.
Im here errday.
Futa is old.
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@Anon2: No, we have enough futa. I check this site every day, and it seems to me that futa and yaoi outnumber the "regular" stuff. Hell, futa might have it outnumbered by itself.
You click a link without a thumbnail at your own risk.
- Reply
I fully admit I only really care for futa-on-girl action, and I don't like fencepost-sized genitalia either. My tastes are pretty tame. But hopefully any heterosexual male can at least see where I'm coming from, with the above description, even if they don't share the taste themselves.
Binary hetero/homosexuality was debunked in the 50s and has made a resurgence only as sexual orientation becomes a political issue. As a Kinsey 2.5 or thereabouts, I can appreciate a nice penis if the bearer otherwise appeals to me. My primary trigger is a feminine aspect; I like traps just fine too.
I'm aroused by the subject, not their genitals. Those are just for fun.
We just need more LoL 34 is all
normal futa and midgets
everybodys happy now
Her cock is bigger than mine.