Anonymous1: Oh god, this is from the journal Vriska had! I always did find it very peculiar how this part in the comic stood out as being so fucking hot, excellent work!
Anonymous2: Aren't Mindfang's horns longer and more Vriska-like? Why is Mindfang the bottom? Wasn't her loveslave implied to be from one of the higher, possible naval castes?
I know I should shut the fuck up and fap to this otherwise wonderful piece of FINE ART but in my experience Homestuck has a way of making its fans complete nerds for details like this.
Anonymous5: @anon2
Yes, they're supposed to be exactly like vriska's but longer, and she was supposed to be a noble.
Plus mindfangs a dominatrix and would never be bottom
And yes, we are all complete nerds for story canon :33
I know I should shut the fuck up and fap to this otherwise wonderful piece of FINE ART but in my experience Homestuck has a way of making its fans complete nerds for details like this.
Yes, they're supposed to be exactly like vriska's but longer, and she was supposed to be a noble.
Plus mindfangs a dominatrix and would never be bottom
And yes, we are all complete nerds for story canon :33
Also 005407