Please read our Rules and continue to report content that violates our rules on underage content. Uploaderanomalous, February 11, 2011; 13:28TagsFriendship_is_Magic, My_Little_Pony, SpikeSource LinkUnknownLockedNoInfo398x445 // 15KB // png February 11, 2011; 14:57 - Reply Anonymous1: ... strongbad refference? February 11, 2011; 15:10 - Reply Anonymous2: F40PH February 11, 2011; 19:52 - Reply hookedonlemons: Grammatically incorrect Strong Bad refrence... February 12, 2011; 17:12 - Reply O_Rly: 'The fuck? What does SB have to do with this? February 13, 2011; 02:45 - Reply Anonymous3: It's Strong Bad's antivirus (email 118). What it has to do with Spike, I dunno. February 14, 2011; 04:41 - Reply Anonymous4: Actually, that is correct grammar... well, it's a direct quote, so whatever grammar problems there are, they're Strong Bad's fault. February 15, 2011; 08:05 - Reply Anonymous5: "Have you been using the internet irresponsibly?" February 17, 2011; 02:04 - Reply Beephf: Very yes. February 17, 2011; 11:19 - Reply Anonymous6: it was "EM" hot "HIM" ..such fucking fail February 18, 2011; 02:51 - Reply BigDumbGoblin: He looks like Spyro. February 21, 2011; 01:05 - Reply fag: @anon6 lulz, "hot" March 2, 2011; 08:43 - Reply Cat_Bountry: WHO IS EDGER? BECAUSE IT CERTAINLY CAN'T BE EDGAR. April 2, 2011; 01:01 - Reply General_Scales: Do I have to recite... "Our cocks brutal..." Report an ad?
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lulz, "hot"
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"Our cocks brutal..."