Killamajig: I'm STILL pretty sure that Rule 63 doesn't apply to having both.....oh, wait, image finished loading.
That's not a dick, it's an ovipositor. The subject is clearly reaching the end of mating season without having found a receptive partner, and now the clutch of eggs is being released to dehydrate and perish. You can clearly see the nutrient-rich fluids on which the emerging young would gorge themselves draining off the edge.
Anonymous6: yeah, I was just about to save this, then i froze upon seeing the gigantic dick. no save for this one... but perhaps some kind anon could edit the cock out?
Anonymous8: This could actually be canon, because Smurfette was originally built by Gargamel to fool and kidnap the Smurfs, which is an all male/asexual race
FireMario86: Wow, complaining over a lil futa. Ya know, sexual expression is for everyone, not just you and your straight laced "Big breasted, big booty girls" Grow up a little and just fap to something else.
Anonymous13: I LIKE futa but... something about her eyes and the penis in this pic are kind of weird. Does semen actually bubble up on the tip if the penis is laying on something as it comes out? :P
slicerness: my monitor is old so it's pretty dark. this is my exact thought process. 'Wow this if pretty freakin awesome. all the proportions are perfect except for her right le- wait, that's a penis... if it was a snake it would have killed me... hiding in plain sight like that. sneaky penis!'
Anonymous18: Whiny bitches are free to learn how to use Photoshop and remove the penis themselves. Or, you know, just go away and find something more enjoyable.
Anonymous26: that pinus ,dident fitt inn the image for every 1 ,but learn to remove it on fs like anon17 say its not that hard ,im bi sexual ,and im gona remove it cuss it dosent fitt whit image ,but il keep image for my self so u guys can go lirn fs ,lirning is good for ur brain + think about the 1 that made the photo he/she probobly strest for a long time making the image and was geniures to shair it ,so show the atist some respect and keep ur negatve coments to ur self dum asses.this is a grate pice of art ,well done man/girl =D make love not war
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That's not a dick, it's an ovipositor. The subject is clearly reaching the end of mating season without having found a receptive partner, and now the clutch of eggs is being released to dehydrate and perish. You can clearly see the nutrient-rich fluids on which the emerging young would gorge themselves draining off the edge.
everything was perfect, until I saw that Stupid
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"A penis!"
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