viessa: Whelp, here it is, 6 months ago I said I'd get a part 3 to my Neeshka and OC commission. Tonight it showed up in my email and first thing im doing is posting it here. Wonder if the commissioner of part 1 had any idea I'd take his first Neeshka picture and go crazy with it... Hope you all enjoy. May get a few more of these in the future :).
Anonymous2: The guys in the background are like:
"Oh, well this is unusual, usualy there's a table with paper, pencils, doritos and a dice. Guess the DM was right when he said he was going to give us a hard one next time."
viessa: There will be! The man can only pump out so many pictures in such an amount of time. And he has a list of commissions to work on for a whole bunch of people. You'll see more in the future, but I'm a bit tentacled out, gota think of something equally perverse and awesome for my next pic of them.
"Oh, well this is unusual, usualy there's a table with paper, pencils, doritos and a dice. Guess the DM was right when he said he was going to give us a hard one next time."