Anonymous2: Where's the horse symbol on the Dwarf? lol got one on the hoof of the Draenai the left leg of the human the breast of the gnome and the forehead of the Night Elf... but i can't see one on the dwarf
Anonymous8: Everyone on the pic is going through hell itself except the dranei who seems to be holding out pretty well.Must be a sign of draneis being the most sperm-resistant race in the alliance.
Anonymous25: Don't worry Anon24, on the alliance side this things also happens, but we keep them secret >:o FOR THE MURLOCS !!!!!!! erhm I mean FOR THE ALLIANCE >_>
Anonymous30: @ anon 17 & 26, its supposed to be the alliance(what I'm pretty sure is a lion) symbol, but with horde red color saying the alliance works for the horde as cum dumpsters.
Anonymous32: Draenei; "This is pretty boring."
Human; "Can I go now?"
Gnome; "I wonder if this'll make me taller."
Dwarf; "Oh god getting dizzy. Can't... feel my toes."
Nelf; "OMFG-WTF"
Probably because the Draenei's cum tank is almost full.
The Nelf and Human are over halfway thru
yeah, i think i phrased that wrong, theyre being filled
Fucking love sparrow.
love how evilly the nelf is positioned.
and how she has taken the most
Basically, she's Cthulhu.
I shat brix
Human; "Can I go now?"
Gnome; "I wonder if this'll make me taller."
Dwarf; "Oh god getting dizzy. Can't... feel my toes."
Nelf; "OMFG-WTF"