Anonymous4: I'm still butt hurt from the anal rapping of the last airbender movie. As a fan of the series, I'll check this out, but I won't hold my breath
Draken: "Zorra" stands for "Bitch" in spanish... that or "Vixen" or just... the female of the fox.... uh, what am i doing, this is rule 34, all we should care about is to fap!
Anonymous8: Anon4: Shammalongadingdong was the reason the movie sucked so bad. He isn't involved in Korra, so I think you'll be pleasantly surprised when you watch it.
Anonymous9: The series has been extended to more than 12. While the actual number escapes me, a quick google search should tell you how many now. (I know its in the 20 range, Im guessing 26)
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if katara had korra´s same age, would she have bigger tits than her?
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especually after how great the first Avatar series was
Koraa in LOK is 17.