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TagsBatman_(series), DC, DCAU, Gotham_High, Harley_Quinn, Joker, Pamela_Isley, edit
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surplusTIME: Awesome. 34 of a show that was never made. When was the last time that happened?
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MrAnon: I bet the gonddamn batman / #4 / bruce has no boner what so ever.

And look at joker, he's so seen this too many times. SOME ONE GET HIM A DS TO PLAY!
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I_Am_Dragon_Feed_Me_Princess: Was this really going to be a show? Cause it would have been FUCKING AWESOME
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El_Maestro_Misterio: I so would have watched this.
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Anonymous1: I actually kind of want to see how this showed would have played out. Would it be like the DC version of Xmen Evolution?
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Anonymous2: I want to see more like this, 34 or not. it's an interesting concept.
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Anonymous3: Stupidest idea for a show ever! The Joker can't function in society and that includes high school. Also wasn't Bruce off training somewhere and even if he wasn't a rich kid like that would never be in a public school.
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Anonymous4(2): Anon3: sure the whole thing doesn't work connonically, and any real bat-fan wouldn't take such a show seriously. Reimagining all those characters in high school is pretty hilarious though.
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Anonymous5: Are you kidding Anon3? The Joker was made for high school. Remember he isn't insane, he is super-sane.
He would have a ball ruining insecure teenagers lives.
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Anonymous6: I'm really wondering it what bizzare world this exists, where a football team has only 5 players per side...

Also, anon3, you could just imagine this as some kind of alternate continuity. Like the Wayne family wasn't ludicrously rich, so he did attend a public school. On that note, I knew some people in High School that were MUCH worse than the Joker, so that would work just fine.
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Anonymous7: The expression of the football players it's priceless! Someone wants popping eyes?! LOL
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Anonymous8: They need to make this show right now. DC needs something to answer to the awesomeness of the Super Hero Squad Show and this could easily be it.
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Anonymous9: what i loled when i first saw (the original) pic, was the "bruce is the quarterback. his number is 4. badass quarterback, number 4... holy shit!"
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Anonymous10: ivy is having sooo much fun with those pom poms
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Anonymous11: @ anon 6: 5 players from each team go to the 50yd line for a coin toss at the begining of a game in high school. Dee Dee Dee.
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Anonymous12: Oh no! Non-cannon T.V. shows based on a medium who's cannon is, let's face it, flexible at best. What is the world coming to.
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Detailfag: While it might not work as a tv series, I'd love to see this given new life as a short run comic
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Anonymous13: There would be an episode on drug abuse every other week.
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Anonymous14: couldn't be a worse show than anything else thats on right now *cough*secretmountainfortawesometherunningofftherailsultimatealienmylittleponyscaredysquirrel*cough*
why not at least have tried it.
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Anonymous15: Still say it would have been an okay show.
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Anonymous16: I don't get why everyone complains about it not being 'canon'.
Most comic book films, TV shows, and recent games do their own personal take on characters and stories - Harley Quinn never existed until Batman TAS for gods' sakes.

Sure, it's likely this show would have been a steaming hunk of garbage, but not because it reimagined its source, but because unless the creators and writers are incredibly talented the reimagining will be too far removed from the source without retaining the core of the characters.

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