Killamajig:, seriously.
"Matt Wilson", who by all appearances is from North America and speaks clear English, not only chose to do this comic backwards, but with the same incredibly awkward dialog found in translated Japanese porn comics.
ChaosInuYasha: The comic isn't backwards. It's read like a Japanese manga which is right to left instead of our left to right. The bad dialog may also be on purpose.
Killamajig: Yes, thank you, it's my first day on the internet and I've never seen a Japanese comic.
That was PRECISELY THE THRUST OF MY POINT, which the conjunctive "not only" would have suggested if your reading comprehension were better.
This is, unquestionably, the single most weeaboo thing I've ever seen. Despite having zero legitimate reason to arrange this comic backwards - which is an artifact of how one reads written Japanese - he has done so, because 'Japan r superior!'
Anonymous3: Maybe he just did it because it WAS, originally, a Japanese comic, not because of some feeling of Japanese superiority, but just because it was fitting.
Anonymous7: I wasn't aware that Shonen Jump was Americanized Japanese. I was under the impression that something that's Japanese can't be Wapanese regardless of whose reading or impersonating it.
Anonymous8(7): Also, can't believe no one has mentioned the zipper nipple. That is the worst bouncing tit motion I've ever seen, please don't draw it that way ever again.
"Matt Wilson", who by all appearances is from North America and speaks clear English, not only chose to do this comic backwards, but with the same incredibly awkward dialog found in translated Japanese porn comics.
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That was PRECISELY THE THRUST OF MY POINT, which the conjunctive "not only" would have suggested if your reading comprehension were better.
This is, unquestionably, the single most weeaboo thing I've ever seen. Despite having zero legitimate reason to arrange this comic backwards - which is an artifact of how one reads written Japanese - he has done so, because 'Japan r superior!'
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Jiraiya is both