Anonymous1: I don't see any issues with the anatomy, really. The only thing that looks even slightly "off" to me is the perspective of Sonic's body. You'd only be able to see one side of his ass from that view.
Anonymous2: ok dude don't worry, leave the past behind, from now on, try not to act like a jerk and we'll respect you, you are doing great with your pics, some of us get nitpicking but others notice some errors, we only want you to get better at this.
KelperFoxWolf: ^I know, I also want to improve. I never find perfection, in fact, every time I improve it gets more difficult for me to keep going that way.
Anyways, thanks for your support.
I also appreciate your word of advice :)
Anonymous3: If I might comment, (and I admit I haven't seen much of your work other than a few tails pics) I think penetration would be a fun area to go to. lol anal.
Anyways, thanks for your support.
I also appreciate your word of advice :)