Anonymous4: THANK! YOU! DARNACT! I think you've just outdone yourself, again! Love it! Can't wait to see what else you come up with, but whatever it is, I'm certain it's going to be AWESOME and HOT! I'm curious, though. What would Tak human disguised look like from the back in your style? I'd certainly love to see that!
gabriellobo1212: hahahaha its soooooo cool... man your a genious.... you shoul make this forever hehehehe... a tv series... a comic... do it... the world belong to the artist
for the love of God have to do more of this character. :o!
p.s.@darnact: if i wasn't an atheist i would say that you are the reincarnation of Jesus Christ
@anon8: i agree
@evil lord proteus:fuck yes( and thing up a shorter name )
p.s.@darnact: if i wasn't an atheist i would say that you are the reincarnation of Jesus Christ
@anon8: i agree
@evil lord proteus:fuck yes( and think up a shorter name )