traffik: You're choosing "Dragon" as your colorist/user name? Congratulations. Searching on your name now turns up this pic, and 134 pictures of dragons. Way to think ahead.
DRAGON: you know... i never thought of that tobad i canot change my name im gona do your pic of edith and the juice box next.... 3 forths done of it actualy il upload it tonight or erly tomarow
DRAGON: and for all of you who like this art please become a member of that is where il be posting alot of more UPGRADED porn but the one that anon did will still be posted here
DRAGON: i just finisher your pic anon but it ended up fucking crashing... look at your comments for the edith and juicebox pic you can see when i go ape...
DRAGON: ....... just curious could some one give the collor shade of kitty ediths fury ( ex. red: 59 blue: 69 green:34) i need it soon for a project im doing with edith....
DRAGON: o shit how is that google... i swear i said WHAT THE FUCK IS RONG WITH ME i need to get laid.... and a life maybe.. nah i have edith
DRAGON: yea that was because you see anons post after about the web and that was the same time i was banned for a couple days... some ones messing with my posts...
DRAGON: and again WTF THE ADMIN IS RUINING MY POSTS they think im spaming my site...well thats mean becuse now i can get suide for having google there
DRAGON: actualy take that back... im gona have somthing up by tomarow because random_anon will git pissed if i dont upload it soon but if you can actualy do somthing better then me then il let you talk maybe a little... maybe
Random_Anon: ^
I wouldn't get pissed, I'd more likely just get irritated for a few days...but since you're gonna (Probably) upload it tomorrow, the irritation is gone! :D
DRAGON: @ anon if you want me to go faster i sujest next pics you do use a number 6 or so pencil for FINISHED COPY because working with your light shadding is hard
Random_Anon: ^
Wow, I'M personally impressed that you impressed
Excellent, excellent, I can't wait! :D
Yeah, sorry about that... Besides, I only use mechanical
Oh God! Fuck me! Fuck me now! Yes! Yes! Oh God!
Great, I'll change the tag "dragon" to your own tag "skulldragon117." And I expect the colored version of my pic to be great! :)
lol, good one.
Well, that kinda sucks...
As for the colors you need, just experiment! I doubt anyone around here would be willing enough to help...
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HoneySmother's and iKami's not good enough? I understand if its Kitty, but not anyone else's?
ok i was braking a rule... thats why google is there
I wouldn't get pissed, I'd more likely just get irritated for a few days...but since you're gonna (Probably) upload it tomorrow, the irritation is gone! :D
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Wow, I'M personally impressed that you impressed
Excellent, excellent, I can't wait! :D
Yeah, sorry about that... Besides, I only use mechanical
its 6:46 i will be uploading at 10:00 done or not but i will be done
ps. just go over it a couple times then to make it darker
I'm just lazy like that... :P Sorry.
Sweet, can't wait! :D
Alright alright, I'll do that... lol
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