dildy: ^ Keep it up, anonfag. Hopefully, you'll bust a blood vessel and suffer a lethal stroke. And I don't mean the kind you do to your dad's dick every night.
Anonymous4(1): Dildetta, you're confusing crying with laughing hysterically. ...and by the way, you started this, by being a pompous ass who needed to be taken down a few pegs...and yet, you just can't stop yourself! My address? 742 Go Fuck Yourself Terrace - see you soon!
dildy: ^ Anonfag was the one who started it. He got mad when I criticized a pic he liked and I had nothing personal against him. He's the one who started griefing and insulting me. He should be banned.
Anonymous6(1): I don't think I've EVER seen anyone cry and mewl on here like Dildine. Absolutely hilarious. If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen...
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