Anonymous3(2): Can someone retag this 'Fallout' and 'Fallout New Vegas' and i'm sure the chick has a name, and probably the gun too, and the robot in the background
Anonymous9: Proof I play too much New Vegas: I can tell exactly where she is. We're facing east. From left to right the glowing settlements are: Novac, Gibson Scrap Yard, Helios One, and New Vegas glowing in the distance. Didn't even need the tiny dinosaur in the distance to figure it out.
Anonymous15: Because sarsaparilla wasn't made to contain radiation. Nuka Cola did, hence the name. Additionally they took Quantum out because it was only in the testing phase and the DC area was the testing region.
Anonymous21: Anon12 fails horribly. Pointing out the obvious only works when the obvious is true. Yes, it may be piss, but it's piss affected by the radiation of Nuka Cola Quantum. Learn your shit. And also, this should be tagged with Victor instead of Yes Man. TL;DC.
Anonymous22: @ Sir_Anon5: With a 10mm Pistol? Those deathclaws would make her piss blood if she walked in there toting just that!
Also, to add onto the location, she's crouching just within range of Clark Field where players can find Golden Geckos and Mr. RADical in its ruins. I know this because of the large spires of rebar metal sticking out of the ground.
Anonymous23: a3:first:the name of the chick is 'courier'.a courier is a person that sends packets,thats the character in new vegas,the name of the game.You can't invite a name for her,so that no one knows who is this going to be.second:You needn't to write in the name of the gun,Yes the gun has a name: 10mm pistol but it isn't important.But in one thing you are right:the robot.the name of the robot is 'victor' that should sir_anon5 write in the name.
Anonymous24: East of Gibson Scrap Yard. And that woman must be a traveller since glowing pee is caused by Quantum, which can only be found back east (Quartz is only found out west)
Anonymous25(24): Victor, for the record, is a mobile AI. The robot is a Securitron. And its wierd that she has blue pee from Nuka Cola Quantum since it isnt available anywhere in the western half of the united states, being a limited release in the east. Quartz would be a more common drink, but the blue pee is certainly from Quantum, which suggests she has travelled very far/has connections with long range caravans. The gun is indeed a type n99 10mm.
Anonymous36: Not into piss, but I kinda like the feel this picture gives off. The background makes her look really alone. She's just sitting in the middle of fucking nowhere, peeing glowing piss, the handgun that keeps her alive right within reach. It just has a character to it.
'Cept that in the future it's the world's leading cause of Glowing Pee!
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Also Gibson is WAY closer to Novac than pictured here.
Also, to add onto the location, she's crouching just within range of Clark Field where players can find Golden Geckos and Mr. RADical in its ruins. I know this because of the large spires of rebar metal sticking out of the ground.
One of the weird sides of rule 34 :P
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