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TagsChouBoy, Jane_Porter, Tarzan_(1999_film)
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Anonymous1: Even with her being all ripped-up and raped-up,she still looks so good and fuckable.
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Anonymous2(1): Typical of the British. Even raped and defiled, they manage to still look so dignified.
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Anonymous3: She looks so satisfied.
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Anonymous4: we all know real brits look like pigs
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Anonymous5: And wee all know that Americans ARE pigs.
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Anonymous6: I wanted to move to America but I was below the minimum weight allowance of 300 pounds (450 if you want to move anywhere in the Mid West)
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Anonymous7: don't worry we wouldn't let you in anyway
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Anonymous8: Forgot the tv show nonsense alot of Americans are hideously overweight... and we brits are going the same way by the look of things :'( Still its only so the attractive and successful Africans can't have any amirite :P Let the fukkers starve
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Deuxsonic: There are other countries that are fatter than the US.
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Anonymous9(6): Germany for one. Those krauts are huge.
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Anonymous10(8): Lawl you yanks will let anyone into your country... just like us. You guys are pawned by teh Jews running everything (I swear i can't remember a popular American sitcom that doesnt suck jewish cock at some point) while we have retarded sand niggaz and their epic quest to own every convenience store in England... death to the untermenchen!!!
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Anonymous11(8): Those Germans reek of teh Garlic sausage i wish they'd put that shit away...
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Anonymous12: ... eh... im mexican... yet im not completely illiterate...
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Anonymous13(6): Are you european-mexican?
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Kaerick: its the Middle-aged people who are all overweight in those countries. people under 30 are fine.
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Anonymous14: you're an attractive and successful African then
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Anonymous15: Not all of us Americans are bad :( just most of us.
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Anonymous16: brits were notoriously fat way before the shit started about american kids eating too much junk food and being fat. but ya it was mostly 30+ and over.
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Anonymous17: who r brits fay, there skiny little runts
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Anonymous19: Only our cops are pigs...America sucks, but not every person there does...YOU ASSHOLES>
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Anonymous20: god dammit it went from talk bout euopean cartoon pussy ti this shit
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Anonymous22: y is her left tit smaller than her right tit?
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Anonymous23(22): Just remember who saved whoses asses in both world wars
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Anonymous24: Hopefully the gorillas didn't do oral. The teeth scrapage would be horrible.

Also Germans are fucking skinny, because they fucking EXERCISE.
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Anonymous25: All you americans are, are just brits who were rejected by society so went and pwnd some indians so you can be fat over there instead.
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evilpika: HEY! I'm an American and I'm very offended by... Ah fuck it, you're right. *Goes back to eating cheeseburger*
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Anonymous26: anon8 is a racist cunt
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Anonymous27: anon25 most of us are from german descent
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Anonymous28: Anonwolf: "A23, you helped only in 2nd WW."
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Anonymous29(27): Anon28 check this out
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Anonymous30(28): Anonwolf: "Oh, sorry. My bad."
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Anonymous31(27): No prob
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Anonymous32: America helped conclude both wars quickly... as it should have England is responsible for creating the US anyway. We fucked up by allowing too many Euro immigrants into the colonies... after l2/english they suddenly realised that acting British is the way to go to pawn the world, only prob was they were so butthurt by the idea of immitating us that they threw a hissy fit over some tax and decided to create their own nationality... and be known as Americans aka the eurofag english. And the rest is history, english speaking whitey versus pre-bronze age injuns = no contest. Same goes for those Dagos too.
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Anonymous33(32): I bet Americas army will consist solely of Mexicans by the time WW3 kicks off as there will be no thin white people left to recruit... if things got really desperate they would probably have to resort to conscripting tv/sports stars
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Anonymous34(32): a32: 'acting British'?! The term Britain/Great Britain/British etc only came about as a means to placate those butthurt Welsh/Oirish and Scottish barbarians that we pawned... we should have just called them limes inferior hur hur.
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Anonymous35: Is this an anti-British comment thread?

*Turns on Dropkick Murphys, put's on Flag of Ireland hat, and grabs a Guiness.*

Let me tell you folks about Bobby Sands.
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Anonymous36(32): Ireland is little more than a western terrorist state. Lets tick the boxes shall we? Divides over religous faggotry? Check. If your so retarded that you feel the need to indulge in religous stupidity then you should be protestant... who the fuck wants to kiss some eyetie paedo's ring!? Terrorism? Check. Annoying dialect? Check.
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Anonymous38(35): What you call 'terrorism' is actually valiant resistence fighters making a campaign against an imperial corporatist occupation.

I suppose you think Thomas Jefferson was a 'terrorist', too? And Staffenburg?
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Anonymous39(32): Mwhahahaha if I recall those Murkins supported Iirsh terrorists until some ragheads slammed a coupla planes into their precious trade towers and wiped em out. Then their insular little Christie fundy lalaland suddenly got intruded upon and terrorism was evil.
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Anonymous40(32): Actually a38 The war of independance would be classed as a terorist act by American definition in the modern day
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Anonymous41(32): Anyway what does imperial corporist occupation mean? Britain founded the fucking colonies... and bought a few like New Amsterdam and renamed it New York. Wasn't like we invaded them...
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Anonymous42(35): It is agreed then. England is an evil militant fundie imperialist society and must die slowly and painfully.

Johnny Rotten was right. There's no future for you.
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Anonymous43(32): Tbh the clues in the names... you know like New York New Jersey New England etc etc. Originality certainly wasn't one of our finer points when it came to naming shit =P
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Anonymous44(35): England founded the Irish colonies by running what would now be called "ethnic cleansing" of the people which they labeled as subhuman.
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Anonymous45: I haven't seen this much pseudo-intelligence compacted in such a small place before. Anon39, for instance, sounds like he can't even find his ass in the morning.
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Anonymous46(35): Johnny Rotten on...

Britain: 'A bland menagerie of pomp and idiocy. America's a pretty f----ed up place, but it's amazing to come back here and see it done even worse.'
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Anonymous47(35): 'Everyone on our estate had it tough. Nobody had any money. You've got to pick a pocket or two. You had to know how to make money and not get caught. And at the same time not to turn into a thief or burglar. That sort of working-class community didn't wear anyone parasiting on their own. But that kind of code of conduct doesn't exist now. England's a violent place. Too violent for me. That's why I prefer it here. For a gun-toting nation, Americans are surprisingly passive. This place suits me and the wife.'

-- Johnny Rotten
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Anonymous48(32): I fucking wish England was a militant fundie imperialist society a42 XP We could maybe clear out Africa with some viral bombs or something and create the United States of Africa... O.o omfg not another USA WHY DO WE KEEP DOING THIS TO OURSELVES :"( We would eventually end up hemming ourselves in with annoying loud mouthed fucks till we thought fuck it and launched teh nukes and brought about armageddon
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Anonymous49(32): A46 America is a large young country the comparison is somewhat unfair... anyway england is crippled by political correctness and shit like that =P Fucking do-gooders giving ragheads everything and supporting the criminal instead of the victim bla bla bla
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Anonymous50: Everyone stop the faggotry and fap over the picture.
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Anonymous51(32): Oh and btw everyone has a negative opinion of something... theres probs some american somewhere who hates america but i can't be fucked to dig one up
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Anonymous52(32): a44 whats an Irish colony? You mean in Irleand or colonies in America?
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Anonymous53(35): I believe that anons 49 and 50 are the same person.
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Anonymous54(35): I believe that anons 49, 50, and 51 are the same person.

Prove me wrong!
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Anonymous55(50): A49 here.

Not the case, A52.
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Anonymous56(35): I believe that anons 49, 50, 52, 53, and 54 are the same person. Top that.
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Anonymous58(32): If Brits exterminated the Irish at some point in history then I apologise... doing that to your somewhat fellow white man just isn't reich... um right
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Anonymous59(35): ^*Twilight zone music plays*
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Anonymous60(35): Darn it 57, you interrupted me.
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Anonymous61: Anon12 is only partially illiterate then.
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Anonymous62(32): Oops ethnically cleansed um
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Anonymous63(32): Look I know i fucked up with my choice of wording but A44 STARTED IT
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Anonymous65(35): ^Did not!
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Anonymous66(35): Darn it anon 63
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Anonymous67(32): Bah 64 beat me to it :"(
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Anonymous68(35): Anons 58-67: Screw you guys, I'm going home.
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Anonymous69: posting here just to be Anon 69
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Anonymous70(69): ^god damn juvinille fucker, Fuck The Get Out.
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Anonymous71(32): What England needs to do is exterminate/deport it's untermenchen then conscript 2/3 of the population into an Imperial army. Next outfit them like space marines in ceramic (whatever) armour THEN deplete all natural resources building predator tanks and dreadnoughts and deal with the white mans burden once and for all! Huzzah!!! FOR THE EMPOR-OR!!! We could also do what a47 suggests and create the United States of Afff... O.o OH FUCK DIVIDE BY ZERO!!!11111
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Anonymous72(32): SPACE MARINES DID WTC
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Anonymous73(32): ^NO U
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Osama: Was a72 and yes I just got punked
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Anonymous74(35): It was we, anonymous, who did WTC.

We did it to make room for a Starbucks.
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Anonymous75: CHAOS DID WTC
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Anonymous76(32): I like your thinking 74 but everyone knows...
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Anonymous77(32): TAU DID WTC... oh wait their FAGS
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Parsleymagnet: what the hell is going on
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Anonymous78(35): FURRIES DID WTC
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Anonymous79(32): BRITS DID WTC
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Anonymous80(32): ^No we didn't you SWINE!
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Anonymous81(35): HUGH LAURIE DID WTC

Think about it.
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Anonymous82(32): A46 I think Johhny is comparing an English council estate to the Hamptons or whatever swanky crib he now calls home... unless he lives in all parts of the US at once and thus has an encyclopedic knowledge of the quality of life.
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Anonymous83(27): 54 comments in less than a day
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Anonymous84(75): Also, most of them are completely unrelated to the picture.
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Anonymous85(32): He's right about England not having a future, in fact I would take it one step further and say that England is getting close to being zerged by attractive and successful African immigrants while our apathetic politically correct government does nothing. Orrr of course this could be the catalyst for a new empire... the white mans burden shall be no more FUCK YEAH! Oh and if you Yanks try to interfere remember we probs have enough nukes to efficiently destroy every major city in the states =P SO STAY OUT OF THIS... look we tried to play nice and be the good guys and look how it's turned out. Israel, nigra zerg rushes in our homeland crippling, political correctness etc etc It's time to be mister naughty imperialist guy again... hell they may even thank us in time if we planned on leaving any alive. FOR THE EMPOR-OR!!!
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Anonymous86(35): I loled at 'zerged'.
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Anonymous87(35): Zerg is a noun; it is not a verb.
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Anonymous88(27): anon85, America could nuke the shit out of England too with only 1 nuke just to let u know so u can stop bragging now. No offense to England, just Anon85 b/c he's being a fuckin' dumbass.
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Anonymous89(32): ^ IT IS NAO (adds to royal encyclopedia thingy)
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Anonymous90(35): Ha, 89 got shut down by 88.
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Anonymous91(32): A85 knows that 88 you dumbass only an American would feel the need to explain that... tho that would have to be one pretty l33t nuke, his point was that England could wipe out most of the US too it wouldn't be one-sided (sigh). In fact a88's comment feels very 'youtube'
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Anonymous92(35): Why must the English and the Americans fight?

Surely, we have more in common with each other than with the sandpeople.
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Anonymous93(35): By using leet-speak, all of anon 91's comments are now FAIL.
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Anonymous94(32): NO U
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Anonymous95(35): NO

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Anonymous96(35): Wow, this comment thread sure is something else.

In b4 Wright and the Turtle-lawyer.
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Anonymous98(32): Oh fuck commies (unites with America in preparation for the pinko zerg wush)
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Anonymous99(27): WTF is that Russian?
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Anonymous100(75): Cut the moonspeak, this is the internet. Everyone should speak english in here.
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Anonymous101(27): what is WE COUNCILS GREATER ENGLISH THE PIG supposaed 2 mean??
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Skwisgaar: Porn and politics. Two things that should never go together.
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Anonymous102(32): LOL it's meant to translate from: ''WE SOVIETS ARE GREATEST ENGLISH PIG''
But when I attempted to translate МЫ СОВЕТЫ БОЛЬШАЯ АНГЛИЙСКАЯ СВИНЬЯ back to english it came out as a101 stated O.o Weird shit.. also busted.
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Anonymous103(27): Anon97 there is no more USSR
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Anonymous104(32): a100 English motherfucker do you translate it?
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Anonymous105(32): There will be soon 103 Putins getting bitchy soon he will be on the war path with the USSR2: Stalins revenge
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Anonymous106(27): Anon97's comment was so funny I stopped getting mad @ what Anon91 said.
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Anonymous107: For the record: Nazis are awesome.

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Anonymous108(27): Nazis should all burn in hell
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Dagger: Well i....uh....heil.
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Anonymous109(107): 88, 107. 88.
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Hartman: No they shouldn't... how would we get nazi porn, then?
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Anonymous110(27): No 88, 108.88.
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Hartman: I know what 88 means for nazis but what's with 107/108... and BTW how did we start talking about nazis while looking at a Tarzan pic...
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Anonymous111(107): They're agreeing with 107.

I'd say that the Nazis are only awesome if you're a Hitler-style Aryan.

I love the Nazis.
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Anonymous112(27): I'm an "Aryan" but Nazis should die
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Anonymous113(107): TRAITOR! TRAITOR!
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Hartman: Zat ist unbelievable. You treacherous Hund
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Anonymous114(107): CXII ist weorðmyndum wont.
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Anonymous115(27): Uhh... I can't read German
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Anonymous116: Back on topic...

Needs moar pooper.
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Anonymous117(27): 96 comments in 1 day, damn
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bersek: well come to the jungle, we had funny games xD

im mx by the way, we are the win.
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Anonymous118: nice how there's this argument over who wieghs more
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Anonymous120: holy shit, is this a porn forum or a court case???
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teh_viewer: lets all stop fighting and remember this: we are all better than France.
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Anonymous121: just STFU and enjoi teh PRON
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Big_Black_Dick: HEY!!! I TAKE OFFENSE TO THAT A119!
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Anonymous122: Teh viewer dont forget about the Rhode Island
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Anonymous123: what has anon 4 started...
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WIkidMajik: is this a porn site, or amateur eugenics?
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wiiaboo: BritAnon, you are stupid
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SilverServal: TL;DR = major annoyance and arousal kill.
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Anonymous125: attractive and successful African Nugget - Way to end all hunger problems
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Stonebrow: the comments on this picture are multiple and annoying. Also, it's longer than most featured pics.
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Anonymous126: Fun Fact: Gorillas actually have very small penises. like an inch or two at the most. Of all the primates, its actually humans who have the largest penises.

furthermore, a gorilla would be very unlikely to rape a human. now an orangutang, that will rape this shit out of you.
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sayso10: I love the art style.
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Anonymous127: wow you a dude ass
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Anonymous128: Once we got to anon 130, we know we have WWIII.
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Anonymous129: We now know where AIDS came from!!!
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Anonymous130: Americans rock ☆s & stripes 4Ever
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evilpika: Was there some good reason you felt the need to summon this shitstorm up from the depths of paheal?
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Anonymous131: yeah because amerifags will kill themselves off through obesity and he wants to give them a proper send off.
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Anonymous132: i guess its better than bein a brit tit
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Anonymous133: such hatered spewed from something meant to bring happieness and joy... but damn funny to read.
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nagger: ^ That's what these comments are for, if you'd ask me. Noone wants to read a bunch of geeks talking about how hard they're gonna wank to a picture... but a good oldfashioned internet shitstorm is always an amusing waste of time.
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Anonymous134: Guys guys!! Stop fighting! We should all be friends and unite to make this world a better and friendlier place! Now put all this bullshit aside and lets make the world better by getting rid of Japan
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Anonymous135: And who's going to get rid of you?
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Anonymous136: WORST. 34. PAGE. EVER!!
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Anonymous137: So many comments for a only pic??This look like the history of mankind
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ZeroXDash: Watch closely. You're about to experience a "attractive and successful African moment."
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Anonymous138: I think Anon 4 is a pretty cool guy. eh makes fun of countries and doesnt afraid of flame wars.
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Anonymous139: I like turtles.
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Anonymous140: I hate turtles!!! >:(((((
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Anonymous141: To whomever's reading this: Do you still remember the picture you were looking at?
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Anonymous142: Great picture but WTF happened here?
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Anonymous143: Get rid of Japan!?! Anon 136 -> That would be the end to fapping to anime...
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Anonymous144: Guys guys!! Stop fighting! We should all be friends and unite to make this world a better and friendlier place! Now put all this bullshit aside and lets make the world better by getting rid of Israel
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Anonymous145: Anon143, what picture?
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Anonymous146: Whoah, this one pic has created one hell of a stir.
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Anonymous147: I find this funny if only for the fact that most gorillas have dicks of about 2 inches, and wouldn't actually be able to fuck a human in that position.
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Anonymous148: Damn Brits and your fuckin tea time and you bloody hell this and bloody hell that I say we nuke your racist ass bitch!! By the way go Germany woah!
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Anonymous149: Euros, quiet with the racism and discrimination against Americans just because America is superior to your countries, okay?
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Anonymous150: Imma go kill myself now.
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Classic_Apple: ( *_*")

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Anonymous151: @Annon 32, Dude, it was FAR more than a hissy-fit over taxes. Read your damn textbooks. Beter yet, read the Decloration of Independince. Four sections of stuff that caused us to want to break away from your govornment. In all actuality, if you hadn't pissed of so many other countries, you would have won, It was outside forces that won the Revolutionary war for America. They actualy used THE SAME STRATIGY to win the F&I war. Smart move England. Smart move. Before you spout randoom shit, get your facts straight.
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Anonymous152(151): "THE SAME STRATIGY you used to win the F&I war". Sorry, minor fuck up there.
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Anonymous153(151): And Annon 32, STFU, the past is the past. Right now, you guys are pussies. After the Revolution everyone else had to save your ass, especially in WWII. Before, you were the world's strongest super power. Now, you've taken backseat to a country YOU created. So, stop walking around with your cock hanging out. You really have no right to.
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Thumper: Shut up; there's no reason for in-fighting. There are up-and-coming economic powers that are more racist right now than we ever were in our past. Stop and think what they're going to do when they're in the deciding seat on what goes on world-wide. Realize what side your bread is buttered on..
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escobi: yumi
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Rexxard: asdaSD

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