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Uploaderwarrior, avatar
TagsAmarao, FLCL, Kitsurubami, Kristal
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Info300x300 // 99KB // png
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Anonymous1: Those...eyebrows.
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Melynx: Bout time she got a good reward for putting up with him. Better curl her toes as the phrase goes.
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Anonymous2: bird bird bird, bird is the word i said bbbbird bird bird, bird is the word. dont you know? about the bird? well everybody knows that the bird is the word isaid bird bird bbbbird bbmmamaomao bbmmaommao bbmamaomao bbmaommao
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Anonymous3: this is how they treat people in riverdale?
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Anonymous4: Not complaining about the eyebrows NOW, is she?
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Anonymous5: She must taste pretty good. He only likes sweet things
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Anonymous6: STFU Anon6! Stupid Ass! If you had any taste buds or any pussy in your life, you'd know that coffee skinned women taste like cinnamon and brown sugar! Go back to fucking your Mom, you Canadian loser, eh?
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Anonymous7: fuck you anon 7, and no im not anon 6 you racist cockbite...
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Anonymous8: Correction to all: she tastes like chocolate obviously. As 5 said- he likes sweet things.
brown girls with sweet personalities are chocolate or brown sugar flavored
ones with bitter personalities taste like coffee
and ones with spice taste like cinnamon
P.S, Anon6: watermelon isn't brown nor are all brown girls Black.
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Anonymous9: anon6 how do you know how "LITTLE" brown girls taste like?!?!?!???!!!! pedophile????
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Anonymous10: ^Like calling the kettle brown.
... O wait.
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Anonymous11: dudes

she's japanese

she tastes like fish and shame
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Anonymous12: ^Ohyou, cunt
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Anonymous13: In the live-action version, she'll be played by Mana Izumi

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