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TagsAnonAnim, Ben_10, Ben_Tennyson, Gwen_Tennyson, Max_Tennyson, edit
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Info747x900 // 461KB // jpg
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mahoraz: i didnt like the gaysex in this one so i changed it
sorry for the bad edit but im too lazy to make a better one
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warrior: Nothing wrong with gay sex. If the artist says so, i'll have to delete this edit.
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mahoraz: most people are straight.... i edit only for the kicks so if he finds it offensive do watever floats your boat
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Anonymous1: But like Warrior said, this is kind of Pink Floyd's The Wall deal: If the artists say he disapprove this, it must be deleted (e.g. the tidal wave of shit when the record companies started selling tracks of "The Wall" when it was written in stone years ago that it must be sold only as the whole thing, no singles, since that is how they want their message to be conveyed).

Anyway, Ben's prepubescent nipples are disturbingly amusing.
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Tumor: Not only is ben being sodomized by anything arousing, but this edit is just kind of... ridiclous... I hope the aritst ask for it to be delted, just on principal. No offense, mahoraz.
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craggle: nothing is wrong with gay sex, but it's not everybody's thing, and if the artist asks this to be deleted he's kind of a douchebag IMHO. though it is kind of a poor edit.
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AnonAnim: I think trying to stop people from making edits is pretty much futile, so I don't really care either way.
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Anonymous2: Should we check with the creators of Ben 10 to see if they approve of the artists original work?
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Anonymous3: ironically, Ben still has a great ass.
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Anonymous4: i liked the other pic that was hot !!
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DragonShade44: The artist can kindly go fuck himself if he doesn't like it, damn fag pictures.
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Anonymous5: Wow ben put on a red wig and gwen cut and dyed her mahoraz how do you know most people are straight? did you ask them? most countries have more then male and female in their gender types. Also i would lay money on it that most people are bi and only claim they are straight. but interesting edit on this pic. the heads dont seem to fit the bodies like in the original. cool photo shoped pics re just plain funny.
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Anonymous6: This is gayer than before. You know who's who.
...though AnonAnim's making me wish I was into that sorta thing...
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Anonymous7: god damn fags should burn in hell
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Anonymous8: i really dont get people... they edit stuff like this, when the original was perfectly fine, but when it comes to DIS-GUSTING!!! images of overly excessive body hair, piles of shit, or mutatations ruining the image, they NEVER edit it.

fucking idiots.

also, i hate people who hate on gays, just remember, whenever you look at girl-on-girl, YOU'RE BEING GAY!

you know, cause technically, its gay porn.
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AnonAnim: Being on a porn site and telling fags to burn in hell is delicious irony.
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Anonymous9: ILU AnonAnim.
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Anonymous10: Most people including myself are straight. I say keep the mahoraz edit!
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dernet: So... to make it straight you turn Ben into a futa.
I- what?
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Anonymous11: I like the gay one better. Post both!
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Anonymous12(11): Make it gay to then! Post both, I personally prefer the gay
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Anonymous13: Post both? The other one is already here, idiots.

Anon8, if it was a disgusting picture, how could they edit it? The point of this, was that the art was great, but unfortunately, for those of use who are not into seeing men have sex with each other, it wasn't quite right. I have no problem with any sort of gay porn. Thing is, I'm male, and I'm straight. Thus, males are not attractive to me. Women are, and so lesbian stuff isn't bad. Though I really do prefer if there is a male and female having sex over lesbians.

Point is: The other pic wasn't deleted, get the fuck over it.
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PinkJoy: Who cares what the artist says? Not like they own this shit anyway.
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TheAnonymousHacker: You're all idiots. The original artist clearly stated in his first comment that he doesnt care about the edit. Stop bad mouthing him already.
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