Anonymous4: Male Trainer used SUBMISSION! HARDEN! FLAIL! STRENGTH! EXTREMESPEED! ERUPTION! WITHDRAW! Male Trainer fled! Female Protagonist used FRUSTRATION!
Anonymous6: ah i just realised that if you have the strongest Porkyman in that world you could do whatever you wanted, and i have a hacked lvl 100 arceus.
Anonymous8: Hacked L100 Arceus?.. How sad. If you want to be sad, try my squad of 20 plus L100 Heavies, all by grind. Also my squad of 6 L100 grind for Pickup. Only 550 hours on SS so far.
Female protagonist uses breed, Its Supereffective.
Anonymous11: hehe thats the only way her dreams cumming true. lets see reds count leaf, lyra, misty, clair, may, dawn, jasmine, kirlia?, gardevoir?, and soooooooooooooooooooooooo many more.
Trainer Red used Struggle! The attack missed!
Trainer Red fainted!
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Female protagonist uses breed, Its Supereffective.
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Pun Porn fainted!
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How can she use that many moves at once?
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