O_Rly: Hey Anon 9, go back to school and learn what an opinion is. While Bella is a fucking retarded character, I would prefer to see hetero stuff over this gay shit.
Killamajig: This...isn't even gay. It's just two guys touching themselves pasted into the same picture. They're barely within arm's reach of each other.
Anonymous13(12): maybe Bill Orly needs to get his Penis chopped off
Im sick and tored of Jackasses tryng to gain fans by giving asinine "opinions" for the sake of getting their rocks off because it makes their pathetic excuses seem meaningful. that includes the following. so called "underrated Youtubers" Ranter s reviewers commentators, Message board so-called "Voices of reason" supertrolls /b/tards, lolcat abusers, and jackasses on sites like this one searching for gay shit just so that they can make tiresomely boring idiot comments. NEXT!
Team Beastiality, Team Necrophilia
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Why are you terrified of seeing a penis, O Rly?
Im sick and tored of Jackasses tryng to gain fans by giving asinine "opinions" for the sake of getting their rocks off because it makes their pathetic excuses seem meaningful. that includes the following. so called "underrated Youtubers" Ranter s reviewers commentators, Message board so-called "Voices of reason" supertrolls /b/tards, lolcat abusers, and jackasses on sites like this one searching for gay shit just so that they can make tiresomely boring idiot comments. NEXT!
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