Anonymous7: Phoenix_Wright: Seriously? "they're in a victorian style house on the third floor"? Looks to me like a basement apartment I had in the 70's. (whoops, gave away my age, which, I suspect, would exceed the "Aggregate Age" of any 3 trolls on this site)
Anonymous9: Revision by helix with Velma's tits exposed at >>549566 .
The house doesn't look Victorian at all to me (fixtures are 70s style) and a Victorian house would not have the kitchen on the third floor because all the uncooked food (and water too since most Victorian houses were not built with indoor plumbing)would have to be hauled up two or three (depending on whether it is an American third floor or a British third floor) flights of stairs by the housewife or the servants. Scooby could be standing on his hind legs or on a porch.
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Sorry Scooby.
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and "rape".
The house doesn't look Victorian at all to me (fixtures are 70s style) and a Victorian house would not have the kitchen on the third floor because all the uncooked food (and water too since most Victorian houses were not built with indoor plumbing)would have to be hauled up two or three (depending on whether it is an American third floor or a British third floor) flights of stairs by the housewife or the servants. Scooby could be standing on his hind legs or on a porch.