Anonymous2: I don't understand why the artist didn't just A) shop the pants out entirely and leave MJ naked, or B) at least make it look like her pants are pulled down enough to reveal her ass
Anonymous3(2): You're right, of course: topless girls in jeans ARE hot. But I figure, if he's gonna shop her pants, he might as well finish the damn job...
Anonymous4: I have the original it's the 1 where spidey is trying to go to fight Rhino but hes l8 cus' ironman got him right? And MJ in the originals is the hottest chick ever drawn
Anonymous6(2): @Anon4: No, this is from the "Cats and Kings" story arc - Peter just returned from his first encounter with Black Cat and he's still thinking about it when MJ brings him back to reality
If yes, years later Marvel will have your marriage retconned via deal with the devil. If no, it'll be because Ultimate Marvel possibly kills Peter off. Either way, you both get screwed over.
- Reply
No, you are!
No, you are!
No, you are!
No, you are!
- Reply
If yes, years later Marvel will have your marriage retconned via deal with the devil. If no, it'll be because Ultimate Marvel possibly kills Peter off. Either way, you both get screwed over.
I also complied them into a new .cbz of the full comic to include these pages instead of the originals.
I just don't know about posting them since it is a modification of someone else's work and I'm not tracking them down for permission lol