traffik: A2, you're a retard. This is just a coloration if a pic that's already been on the site for a year ( >>335577 ). Why is there always some idiot who doesn't understand the concept that not everything that gets posted here is 'new'?
traffik: Sorry, A4, but no can do. Stupidity on that level absolutely *deserves* to be called out. I'm tired of seeing someone do that *every fucking time* an edit of an old Fluffy/Apostle/insert-other-retired-artist-here gets posted.
Anonymous15: lol Traffik, why don't you go play in traffic? Gay ass loser. Calm down, no one's here for the comments. Shut the fuck up and fap or go make me a fucking sandwich, cunt. XD
Anonymous16: Get Teen Titans off of the DCAU tag, the show IS NOT PART OF THE OFFICIAL FUCKING DCAU! It is practically impossible to browse the category when you must wade through thousands of TT pics just to find a few relevant ones. Titans is fine and dandy, but it has its own tag, it doesn't need inappropriate ones.
Killamajig: Perhaps instead of begging for a ban by making yourself a nuisance spamming the comments, you should email the staff with your recommended tag changes as suggested in both the FAQ and Site Rules.
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Fun? Yes.
Pointless? Definitely.
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