Andrealphus: HitodamaKyrie: Since Ranma gets back to his natural male-form when in contact with hot water, if you pour it only on a very localised part of its body, you may get it, and only it, to transform back to male-form. Hence "Instant Herm-Flavor", as Anon4 said. (and the water's not necessarily at boiling point, just hot)
Anonymous7: Andrealphus I see ur point also but let's assume that ranko eg ranma is "locked in his curse form whlist almost changed back" i can assume that the "male part" of him got stuck Making her a shemale. ...nevamind Just Fap!!
Anonymous8: I think this is one of the hottest Ranma pictures...the expression, and the make-up make her look so fapable....even with water addition.
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painfull is not the word.
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Very fappable, perhaps the way she's getting a reach-around.