champofgalacticretards: Tube_Worm, That was several nurses of "Nurse Joy" anime series. - but in the game, the "NPC" nurse named Casey (Japanese Medi) had black hair. - before anime Nurse Joy in Generation I, another "NPC" nurse named Teala (Japanese name Aona) in Generation III and IV had dark greenish blue. - but I don't see NPC Nurse without the name in Black and White game; however, I found Porkyman Center -
If this is NPC Nurse from White and Black, where is a proof?
champofgalacticretards: Nurse has not information as sprite or picture but the name on Generation V -
It can be "Nurse" sprite in Porkyman center looks like this picture.
If this is NPC Nurse from White and Black, where is a proof?
It can be "Nurse" sprite in Porkyman center looks like this picture.