Anonymous3: Aside from a few datails(bone things along the jaw, placement of the ears) very nice. Could be toned down a bit, be less intricate, but all the same damn sexy.
Anonymous6: If you muted the colours a bit and made her hair something that could fit in her helmet, this would probably be the best quarian art i've seen.
and now to wait for people to bitch that she should be purple.
Anonymous7(3): and what, pray tell, happens if bioware decides to still not show us a quarian in the nude? This might be all we ever get. So fap dammit!
Anonymous10: Dude, Quarians' faces are white inside their helmets... (well, like 15% Gray). There's no way Tali's skin is green. Through a purple visor green would look brown.
Also, you failed on the legs, just like 95% of people who try to draw Tali.
NoirSpiderman: Even if Bioware never shows us a Quarian with out a helmet, PEOPLE SHOULD JUST STOP let the imagination do the work dont force your opinion on the look onto others, Also ANON 10 i agree that everyone always gets the leggs wrong
Anonymous11: She is glowing in all the right places ,but she is not a quarian even with tons of imagination and a kilo of the right herbs (then maybe) nice work tho
Anonymous35: I don't worry too much about her face. You can see her nose through the mask, and her eyes are at least in the right place. How bad could she be? I guess still pretty damn bad, but how bad would Bioware be willing to make her? Unless they've been trolling us this whole time...
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But those klingon kinda lines on nose....remove it.
But Fap Fap
and now to wait for people to bitch that she should be purple.
Also, you failed on the legs, just like 95% of people who try to draw Tali.
Also, NoirSpiderman, got take some sedatives and a nap. You'll feel better.
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The best way to un-want something
(Bioware, not the pic)
I'd still love her tenderly. Hell, by this point, if Tali had a tentacle-face I'd still love her. She's Tali, and that's good enough for me.
Somebody remove this from the face of the earth.
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