Anonymous1: Reposting but this is a Cursed Ship DX
They are mortal enemies that'll never give into each other. Their Willpower is equal and the strongest wills in Reality. They don't allow themselves to give in to the other's ideals.
Maybe sexy Robotnik with Shadow or Knuckles instead?
Anonymous2: Okay thing is with those 2 Shadow hasn’t teamed up with Eggman since Adventure 2, 06 he only trusted him because he didn’t know what Mephiles was, even then the events of the game end up getting wiped from existence (for the most part, *cough*Crisis City and the Iblis monsters from Sonic Generations*cough*) Shadow The Hedgehog only has one canonical ending and we don’t even know which events DID happen before it happens, even then in the ending Eggman’s on the side of good (so he will live to be able to do bad later) against Black Doom (side note I find it funny that if the fight takes long enough Eggman will finally reveal and confirm for the fans at the time Shadow The Hedgehog came out that the Shadow in Heroes and the game IS the REAL FREAKING Shadow and NOT a Freaking ANDROID, by saying in lines of dialogue that when Shadow was falling to Earth he had one of his robots save him…………), Rivals is weird when it came to the way they tied the story to the gameplay, and the Shadow in Forces was fake and created by the Phantom Ruby.
And when it comes to Knuckles the only time he was tricked and on Eggman’s side was in Sonic 3/(& Knuckles), and that was because of The Master Emerald, and the last time it had any plot relevance was in Sonic Adventure 2
They are mortal enemies that'll never give into each other. Their Willpower is equal and the strongest wills in Reality. They don't allow themselves to give in to the other's ideals.
Maybe sexy Robotnik with Shadow or Knuckles instead?
And when it comes to Knuckles the only time he was tricked and on Eggman’s side was in Sonic 3/(& Knuckles), and that was because of The Master Emerald, and the last time it had any plot relevance was in Sonic Adventure 2