Anonymous4: Comet is the name of Supergirl's super-powered horse (I shit you not) who always wants to bang Supergirl.
High-Heeled Jill is the artist, and I'm guessing this is supposed to be some sort of anthromorph of Comet although Comet was male.
Does anthropomorphizing an animal character and changing its gender constitute Rule 63 (Porn exists depicting the character as the opposite gender) and some sort of reverse Rule 39 (Furry porn exists of it, the opposite happens here)? If so, there are some tags missing.
Anonymous5: In the Peter David Supergirl series Comet was a woman, at least some of the time. She was a lesbian who transformed into a male horseman body.
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High-Heeled Jill is the artist, and I'm guessing this is supposed to be some sort of anthromorph of Comet although Comet was male.
Does anthropomorphizing an animal character and changing its gender constitute Rule 63 (Porn exists depicting the character as the opposite gender) and some sort of reverse Rule 39 (Furry porn exists of it, the opposite happens here)? If so, there are some tags missing.