Sendai45: Whatever, Goat. I have seen a lot of pixels in my day, and this is real. She's actually wearing a blue cape. The strapless kind. That you staple to the back of your neck.
Kaerick: above Anon - clearly you have no idea what a shoop is. Anyone whos EVER watched stargate knows that Carter is a radioactive superhero with a natural cape growing out of her back.
Linneus: WHOAH, THIS REALLY HAPPENED? MAN, I KNEW THIS WASN'T SHOPPED. Besides, I was able to tell from ALL of the pixels, even though I've never (knowingly) seen a shop in my time.
Anonymous10: I remember that episode. It was SG-1's take on "The Naked Time". It was saved from being a total rip-off of Star Trek by the addition of the speech bubbles.
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Supergoat, Anon 2.
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