Norton: I agree with Anon7 and Youdontwannaknow. Who IS the artist anyway? I thought it was Duke Nukem, but then I realized it was just the character in the pic.
Anonymous9(6): hello people, I am trully happy that you liked this pic.
I dont want to be officially related to this pic, for the real loli actress was depicted on it, and this is the only thing that breaks lolicon laws in my country.
I am not the duke.
I did not say this.
I am not here.
the spice must flow.
Anonymous19(6): anon17, are you slightly insinuating that duke nukem could be a jew, or follow any other retarded religion or discipline related to ANY KIND OF CASTRATION ??
Norton: Anon23: "This picture was so epic it actually ripped the space-time continuum and brought Duke Nukem Forever into existence for release next year."
Anonymous34: Anon17 is butthurt for the obvious, being with a mutilated dick having a greater chance of being exposed to serious penile conditions must get him every time.
Killamajig: Fun fact: Minuscule tearing is in fact more likely during sex with an uncircumcised penis, increasing the transmission rate of several STIs, HIV included, as well as other communicable blood-borne diseases. Hence health organizations leading 'circumcision drives' in Africa.
Anonymous41: "hello people, I am trully happy that you liked this pic.I dont want to be officially related to this pic, for the real loli actress was depicted on it, and this is the only thing that breaks lolicon laws in my country."
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Change both faces to weegee...
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The artist is called Duke Nukem or The Duke
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I dont want to be officially related to this pic, for the real loli actress was depicted on it, and this is the only thing that breaks lolicon laws in my country.
I am not the duke.
I did not say this.
I am not here.
the spice must flow.
And just like THAT..*poof*..he was gone!
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this is so much better than the one with bleach bitch.
Also, her tongue sticks from outside of her mouth, thats so wrong.
But his chest looks kinda like breasts. Not that this is a bad thing, as i'll fap to duke either way!
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pedo bear in the back ground
I now HATE your country.. :.(
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