Feathery_Duck: It's not my style to raise a silly fuss about drawn R34, but somebody PLEASE explain to me ho she can get preggers @ her age???
This is about as scientifically plausible as Star Wars' spaceship laser shots... and their SOUND, BTW.
Anonymous4: - Mom): "That's it, Carol. Your not sleeping with the family dog in your room any more!"
- Carol): "Mom! It's a little late for that, don't you think? Besides, me and Rex have gotten real fond of each other. And we aint doing anything I peeked & saw that you & dad doing ever night."
Anonymous5(4): Feathery_Duck - your an idiot! The Guinness book of world records says that the youngest girl pregnancy is 4 years old. Fathered by her 9 year old cousin in a village in Guatemala. And there are scores listed as "also rans". What do you thing kids do when there is no TV or Intendo to pass the time. And the whole family sleeps in the same room in a grass hut.
- Reply
This is about as scientifically plausible as Star Wars' spaceship laser shots... and their SOUND, BTW.
- Reply
- Carol): "Mom! It's a little late for that, don't you think? Besides, me and Rex have gotten real fond of each other. And we aint doing anything I peeked & saw that you & dad doing ever night."