Please read our Rules and continue to report content that violates our rules on underage content. Uploaderpkmnfurrylover, August 16, 2010; 23:29TagsBlaziken, Porkyman, pToon-TSource // 392KB // jpg August 16, 2010; 23:36 - Reply Anonymous1: if you can remove bikini i will find you, shake your hand, and most likely leave after that. -jack August 16, 2010; 23:47 - Reply Anonymous2: I don't think a slip of nipple counts as porn, considering HOW MUCH Porkyman PORN THE SITE ALREADY HAS ON IT. August 16, 2010; 23:52 - Reply pkmnfurrylover: ^ Duh... Hot Blaziken is Hot August 17, 2010; 00:36 - Reply LetsBeHonest: Pfft, Anonymous 2, you are obviously forgetting that people will masturbate over women/things with much more clothing on them. Why? Because Freud was right. Now stop being a twat and be a man. August 17, 2010; 00:46 - Reply Anonymous3: ill try editing it, but it looks hard to do :/ August 17, 2010; 01:53 - Reply Anonymous4: this is pretty great ...but i wish someone would upload a comic u know it has been a long time since someone did August 17, 2010; 02:00 - Reply ivy: sexy August 17, 2010; 02:15 - Reply S0DA: comics are moved to another site of rule 34 atleast if the are bigger then 6 pages i think.(rule34c or something) August 17, 2010; 06:56 - Reply Snickers: Best Blaziken ever August 17, 2010; 13:44 - Reply Anonymous5(3): anon1 got one tit almost done :P August 17, 2010; 21:55 - Reply Anonymous6: red pasion August 18, 2010; 00:20 - Reply Anonymous7: looks a lot like bittenhard works August 19, 2010; 03:01 - Reply Anonymous8: Yup that's what made me thought of him...Still no trace of this pToon-T on the interwebz...Anyone has sauce ? August 21, 2010; 08:23 - Reply Anonymous9: it's not a bikini, it's a one-peice swimsuit. September 14, 2010; 06:39 - Reply Weapon_R: @Letsbehonest: HAHA, you sir or ma'am, have earned my sincerest and unbridled respect, *shakes hand* *fapfapfapfap* January 4, 2011; 06:30 - Reply Anonymous10: anon8 check the 'legend of krystal' forums, he's a member there, search for a swimsuit thread in creative corner, i'd link ya if i could. Report an ad?
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Because Freud was right. Now stop being a twat and be a man.
atleast if the are bigger then 6 pages i think.(rule34c or something)
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