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Nuka_Cola: the one on the left got some nice tits but the others...
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Dragon_of_Gloominess: Hot! This would had been an better image # 500,000 !
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Anonymous1: The Sailor Jupiter cosplayer should have HUGE tits! It's cannon on the show.

Other than that, I'm digging the Sailor Mercury cosplayer.
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MrAnon: If this is a pic of reverse breast sizes, then you win. Otherwise, FUCKING FAIL!
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lorik: Cos paly always win
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ass_fan: this sux
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O_Rly: I've seen a lot worse.
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Ericon_IX: schwing
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Anonymous2: COSPLAY DEVIANTS!!!!
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Anonymous3: Where was this picture taken? A trailer park in Virginia?
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Anonymous4: Sailor moons gloves are too big
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Anonymous5: Nuka_Cola, are you stupid? Compare the tits from the left one with the one in the blue gear! She has amazing tits! Def the hottest chick on that picture.
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Anonymous6: someone post rest of set plox
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Sintime: I have to say, this is nice but the one on the far left has the best body
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Sintime: FEATURE
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Afroman: one of the hottest things on the internet.
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BenedictWolfe: As always, Rei is the hot one.
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BenedictWolfe: Gah, I meant Ami (though Rei is no minger, mind you).
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Anonymous7: Judging from their web site, I think these people are probably from somewhere in Florida.
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pantherjtg: the one on the left got some nice tits but the others...
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Anonymous8: The one on the left and the middle suck. But the others could pass as real life versions...minus the right one needs slightly larger breasts for that.
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Anonymous9: Someone needs to find the full set of this and rapidshit it.
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Anonymous10: sailor jupiter...played by a girl with an A cup!!?!! are they fuckin retarded?
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HornyForHentai: Good whores, except:
Venus needs to be thinner,
Mars needs a better wig,
Moon is too wide,
Mercury needs smaller tits,
Jupiter needs bigger tits.
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Anonymous11: gasp aah oooh gasp
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killerguy: A cups **shakes head**
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Anonymous12: Wow, that plant growth on the ground seems to be a rare mutation of Trifolium willdenovii. I would love to know where they took this picture. Willdenovii has long been thought to be one of the main keys to unlocking the cure to various forms of cancer. A mutation could prove even more fruitful.
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Anonymous13: I'd say the one playing Sailor Jupiter is pretty hot if you ignore the whole cosplay aspect.
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Anonymous14: Assuming you don't fall into Nerd Rage about some stupid detail or the other, its got five naked girls which is always good. 3 of them are pretty nice, the blonde on the left has a nice face but I'm less thrilled about her body - could be the pose though. And the one in the center I'm really unsure about, for now I'll give her the benefit of the doubt and say its the pose.
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Anonymous15: why is there no close up of Jupiter? Jupiter was always the hottest
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Amon666: I thought about this but never thought I would see it
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Anonymous16: Switch Venus and Mars and Mercury and Jupiter and we're approaching accuracy.
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Yig: big boobed mercury is just wrong, fappable but wrong
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Anonymous17: don't get me wrong i love the deviant girls there all cute as hell. all i'm saying is find girls that can "fit" the roll.
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ChaosWolf: Anon19 and HornyForHentai took the words right out of my mouth.

The girls themselves are hot - but in the wrong roles.
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Anonymous18: Small-breasted Jupiter is TOTALLY fappable in my opinino.
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Rann: Rei, Ami, and Makoto are good. I don't mind the small breasts so much, since they seemed to have been trying for tall and lean instead.

Usagi's a paperbagger, nipples are kinda weird and tiny, but she's still not too bad.

... The girl in Minako's role is just not attractive. The breasts or body would be fine if the other was better, but the extra weight and the kinda nasty boobs together, plus that... unfortunate... face, the saggy ass... just, no.

Cosplay Deviants really needs to learn to tell some girls "no".
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WhatIsThis: ...Not gonna lie, I'd tap em all. Especially that Ami. <Drool.>
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Anonymous19: I'd tap 'em ALLL but anyone have any idea who the model doing Mercury is?
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Anonymous20: Anon 21 It's your mom!
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Anonymous21: Me: You will let me fuck you
Sailor Mercury: Yes Master
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Anonymous22: Agree with Mercury and Jupiter having the opposite boob size issue, also Venus looks more like the Venus from the Birth of Venus painting, you know, the one where she comes out of a giant clam shell.
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Anonymous23: Really cute idea..but very awkward. Might have been saved with better casting and scenery.
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Anonymous24: ^ Casting and scenery? Who gives a shit? THERE ARE TITS AND VAGINAS.
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Urbane_Guerrilla: More than a mouthful is rather a waste... and smaller titties are often more sensitive. That's fun -- except for having to move the stepladder. You know, to peel her off the ceiling.
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El_Maestro_Misterio: Smaller breasts are superior. Not only for the reasons Urbane_Guerrilla stated, but aesthetically as well, in my opinion.
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Anonymous25: While seeking a cure for a fever ravaging the Enterprise, Kirk and Spock encounter Flint, a hermit-like Earthman, and his beautiful young ward.
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Anonymous26: Mars is the hottest. her wig is very good, it's accurate to the anime.
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Anonymous27: if small breasts are superior why do woman spend millions of dollars on implants every year? and don't play the " to please there man/woman card".
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Anonymous28: That IS the fucking reason. If guys weren't obsessing about giant tits so much, and didn't think that small- or even moderate-titted women were inferior, they wouldn't be driven to "fix" themselves. I blame other guys for the infestation of misshappen, gross, and HARD tits in the US. Some of them feel like grapefruit when you squeeze them.
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Anonymous29: thank you anonymous thirty.
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Anonymous30: uumm moon prism power lol
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Anonymous31: fighting evil by moonlight... and putting up a fence in yo filthy backyard.
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Kazeoni: The got it wong Jupiters tits were the biggest in the anime.
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Anonymous32: what's wrong with Virginia?!?
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Anonymous33: sailor moon with ugly face. looks like a male.
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tekiyah: I am a lesbian is anyone a lesbian cause I fuck hard..I'm very hardcore
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Anonymous34: my biggest problem with this picture is...the background! Couldn't they have chosen a more appropriate setting?
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Anonymous35: The two closest ones are Jupiter, and Mars. And that's just the height/faces.
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Anonymous36(3): There's fucking litter all over the ground.
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Resartus: Ami has been surgically not want.
The rest of them are fappable.
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duckpenisexpert: Anon34--Chris-Chan. That's what's wrong with Virginia.
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O_Rly: ^LAWL, this.
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missprettylittlepony: DPI, you never cease to make me smile.

Sigh, they've got the enthusiasm, but... well... nothing else...
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carvin: This would have worked better if....

Venus was Moon
Moon was Mars
Mars was Mercury
Mercury was Jupiter
Jupiter was Venus
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Anonymous37: It never fails to amaze me how a group of girls can get naked and do something that fulfills the overactive fantasies of hentai nerds everywhere... and then get so much criticism for lack of attention to details, girls with the wrong size breasts or body type playing a specific character and so on. Get over your perfectionist bullshit and enjoy the fact that THEY'RE NAKED!!

I'm pretty sure that anyone who says he wouldn't get it on with any one of these girls if given the chance is either lying or gay... or has a girlfriend and wouldn't want to admit it in front of her, but that just means he's lying with a reason.
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Anonymous38: Who let the dogs out....
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Anonymous39: Jupiter's boobs may be too small, but she's the only one who got her pose right. So there's that.
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peacekeeper: Fun fact= most of the people nerd raging on this pic are probably girls who could care less about BOOBS AND PUSSIES! because they like DICKS AND PECS!

That said, its really bothersome when girls expect guys to pay attention to more than just their bodies, and then things like this promote that exact sort of reptilian thinking. Good Job, CosplayDeviants, for objectifying women one BAD COSPLAY at a time.
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Anonymous40: "Minako" is fat!
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Anonymous41: Jupiter is the prettiest girl in the picture. Which is saying something because there are a few pretty girls in this picture.
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Anonymous42: who woulda thought mercury would be the hottest one?
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Raiden_Snake: I'd love a double tit-fuck by the two girls cosplaying as Venus and Mercury. Thanks for posting!
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TurdMcSquirts: @BenedictWolfe: If you're into retards..she's got some serious herp derps.
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Anonymous43: El Mas Sexy Equipo De Combate Intergalactico De La Historia

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