Anonymous9: One pic = I day
I'm set for life then =D
well life I'm disipointed that 4D has not been invented
2d flat 3d not flat in your face but not real 4D it is in your face and it is real
Anonymous10: God I wish hentai logic applied to real life. Stalk a chick, take pics of her in the shower or whatever the fuck, and when she finds them; get banged!
Anonymous11(10): @ 9,
2d consists of two axes, creating what we view as a flat image. 3d is like the tits of a real chick, or your video game controller. 4d is theoretically being able two view a single object from a buttload more perspectives in time and space at the same moment in your understanding of the universe. Nerd win.
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I'm set for life then =D
well life I'm disipointed that 4D has not been invented
2d flat 3d not flat in your face but not real 4D it is in your face and it is real
2d consists of two axes, creating what we view as a flat image. 3d is like the tits of a real chick, or your video game controller. 4d is theoretically being able two view a single object from a buttload more perspectives in time and space at the same moment in your understanding of the universe. Nerd win.
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