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Anonymous1: Want
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Thanos6: Also want. Bisexual MMF threeway for the win!
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deuce: Fuck yeah...
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Knockers: Dante + Belmont = UNF

Especially Simon
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Thanos6: Oh, also: SOURCE.
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Anonymous2: those dante and bayonetta mashups are so stupid, just because there are from the same company
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Anonymous3: The whole thing would have been funnier if he said what is She doing here.
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TDG: Somehow that style reminds me of He-Man... and I don't like it.
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dododado: agree @Anon1
crossovers = fail
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O_Rly: ^Not always. DantexBayonetta is WIN.
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Raiden_Snake: @Anonymous #1: Actually, it was the same creator, but different companies.
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Anonymous4: Am I the only one who lolld?
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Anonymous5: now a medusa head flies in and turns him to stone just as he is about to get it on
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Anonymous6: but dante is gay and all males of the castlevania cast are gay? what is this i dont even
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Anonymous7: Lords of Shadow hasn't even been released yet, and already it's established in the trailers that Belmont once had a wife. I'm not sure about the other Castlevania protagonists though.
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q-zar: they still didnt show gaberals wife yet but i bet she will be beutyfull cuz hes willing to risk his life to bring her back to life also this shoud get a lords of shadow tag and more rule34 of the female chariters like carmala who i belive is a milf in this one cuz thers a little girl vampier who says mother doseint like visitors and i think shes her mother i woud like to see porn of the femal bat creatuer boss cuz shes alredy naked
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Anonymous8: A: Dante isn't gey read the comics seriously, and B ya it would be funner if he said that!
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-D-: Put Kratos and let start the epic battle...or sex scene?
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Anonymous9: Gabriel grabs the God Mask, looks at his limp dick and says: "Can it really bring the dead back?"
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HeartlessWanderer: It shall be done, -D-.
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AustrianG:'re a disgrace to the Name Belmont...
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BigDickEnergy: (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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Anonymous10: I live for these Oasis bi threesomes

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