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UploaderTitanium, avatar
TagsAang, Asuka_Langley_Sohryu, Avatar_the_Last_Airbender, Katara, Neon_Genesis_Evangelion, Shinji_Ikari, SunsetRiders7, cosplay, featured_image
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LockedYes (Only admins may edit these details)
Info720x900 // 134KB // jpg
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Anonymous1: I'll miss this shit...
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Anonymous2: What happened to AwesomeArtist?
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Anonymous3: Did AwesomeArtist change his name to Awesome Artist?
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Anon44: wtf is with these AwesomeArtist dupes?
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Titanium: AwesomeArtist is a name I've given to a former artist on our site. He has asked for this to occur for personal reasons. Please respect it.
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Anonymous4: best artist EVER
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Anonymous5: lolfiltarz
needs moar comments yo.
Did anybody save dem? I figured since it was taking so long they actually WERE working on a way to save them...
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Anonymous6(3): He left? that sucks. He was one of my favorites.
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Anonymous7: which means he's probably gonna get into REAL art with a company and doesnt want his porn associated with his name. or something like that

not like it'll stop them from finding out, especially if people e-mail them and badger him =P
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Anonymous8(2): Fair enough, but why is he former?
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Anonymous9: maybe he never left

maybe he just has a new username
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Anonymous10: ah i see cuz i thought someone was ripping off "you know whos" art
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DragonShade44: AwesomeArtist will be missed. /cry
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zach223: Trip Out! all the comments that i posted before this name change that used the G name has been swapped to AwesomeArtist! I Feel So Used!!!!
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zach223: AwesomeArtist
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zach223: AwesomeArtist!!!!!!!!!!!!
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zach223: SEE!!!!!!^^^^^^^^^^^
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zach223: The G-Man IS the only artist worthy of the AwesomeArtist title. I will respect the change!
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Anonymous12(1): Poor old G-man. He got V& hard.
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zach223: DAMN!!! He's Gone! Titanium just told me! Goodbye G-Man! you truly will be missed :(
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Anonymous13: wait what happened?
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Anonymous14: AwesomeArtist WTF
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DEM: Waitwaitwai, can anyone tell me what happened?
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zach223: I just did, he left. No more G-Man! I asked Titanium and he confirmed that G-Man is gone. didn't give a reason, but thats personal concerning AwesomeArtist. It is a dark day in Paheal history and Avatar fandome.
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Aclecant: It is. I was hoping for his series to get to season 2 so I could see more Toph from him...
Oh well, great while it lasted.
Good luck where ever you go G-Man. *salute*
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JWN926: Okay, I'm lost as hell. Wasn't this uploaded and featured like, way, way before six hours ago? X_x;
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PoeSalesman: Wasn't he Canadian? And if I remember right, they've recently passed laws against loli art, so that's probably the reason.
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broman88: pistolwisp is gone..oh well lat least we have his art here to remember here.
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Mr_Synyster: Adios G-Man! Gone but not forgotten!
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lorik: For reasons undisclosed there has been an artistic name change.
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Anonymous17: I'd be surprised if he got in trouble for his art.

He probably went pro and doesn't want his porn stuff to reflect badly on him...or something like that.
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Anonymous18(16): ^You'd be surprised if someone got into trouble for doing something illegal?
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Anonymous19: it seems it would have been wiser for him to get a new name and leave his old work as is. people still know his stuff by his old name.
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Anonymous20: so will AwesomeArtist upload new pictures soon?
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Titanium: no
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JWN926: Would stuff like this fall under a grandfather clause if the law was only passed recently? Or does Canada not have that?
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broman88: or not right now.
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DIEDIEDIE765: I was going to post a comment a moment ago, but I wasn't logged in and I wasn't allowed to. Are Anon's not allowed to comment anymore?
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Vhargon: inb4 Ezram is banned.
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Anonymous21: AwesomeArtist is a lot better than that other guy anyway.
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Anonymous22: AwesomeArtist is awesome
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TreeAnt: Well, Gunny has been improving his skills all this while, so if he's getting into a professional career doing art then that is really cool. Good luck and thanks for all the free and awesome porn! We shall miss you!
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Zakarr: This is an intriguing turn of events and all, but the reuploads seem pretty unnecessary, even if our man in question had his name attached to most of them. Considering we now have only one page and there are a few missing pics

That aside, whatever AA does in the future, I wish him good luck
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Zakarr: Excuse that last comment, I suck cocks. typed in the alias tag out of impulse
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Anonymous23(16): Treenant, you're totally wrong, and it's funny
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Anonymous24: AwesomeArtist!!!
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Anonymous25: im so sad he was a great artist hopefully he is fine and will dish out more great stuff pron or not

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Jester: What?!?!?1 G-to-the-4 is gone?!?!?!?!?!? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, I won't ask why he's gone, not my business, but why are all his pics in a random order? Have they been reuploaded under the new name, or something?
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Anonymous26: am i the only one who almost bursted out in tears? 0_0
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Anonymous27: i just remembered the artist's name... so GS left?

that sucks... so, he got with a company and cant have his name sullied by porn anymore?

i wonder what kind of professional work he'll be doing, then...
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Anonymous28(16): anon28, no that's not what happened, hes scared or the popo
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Anonymous29: He was the king of Avatar porn ... RIP AwesomeArtist
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Anonymous30: since when is AwesomeArtist AwesomeArtist?
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Anonymous31(30): since when is AwesomeArtist AwesomeArtist?
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duckpenisexpert: FUCK THE POPO!! Wait...I probably shouldn't say that.

But...they're taking away the best thing to happen to The Last Airbender series....:(
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Anonymous32: cann someone plz tell me what his name used to be I cant remember
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Anonymous33: G. Gordon Liddy, Anon 8.
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Anonymous34: Canadian Laws on this stuff are fucking stupid. I mean its a fucking drawing. No one is being abused or shit. Its just another step by the government to try and control people.
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Anonymous35: @ anon37
You're right, CP is not worth that. BUT THIS IS A FUCKING DRAWING.
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craggle: some anons keep trolling about how the guy is wanted by the police and that's why the name changes and such. i've never seen one shred of evidence that this is the case.

sure a37. publicly changing your name counts as "cloak and dagger".

canadian laws on it are pretty stupid, but they're not new laws, and i don't think, in any country, i've ever seen a case where a person was prosecuted just because they were posting their drawings. all the cases where they were prosecuted were because someone who knows them found them and called the police, and so the police used the law, or because the police already wanted then for something else, and the art was an easier thing to charge them with. i don't believe police anywhere hunt down people who are distributing cartoons, and trolls better post better evidence if they want me to.
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Anonymous36(16): inb4 these comments are deleted, fucking conspiracies, how do they work
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Anonymous37(16): you know awesomeartist is lucky a family member didnt walk in and see all his sketches, technically he couldve gotten into a lot of shit, I wonder if he burned them.
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Anonymous38: wait, could this be what happened to that other artist, apostle?
it has begun...
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Anonymous39: Well damn, this sucks. If you're out there reading this buddy, you will be sorely missed. Thanks for keeping his stuff up Titanium.
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broman88: that's how titanium works just ask The Batman
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Anonymous40: His name was AwesomeArtist, The best ever....Next to Aposle
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Anonymous41: so both of em are gone?

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Anonymous42: g-man peace out love your art the best artist ever i will seriously never forget man hope u do well
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Anonymous43(42): g-man peace out love your art the best artist ever i will seriously never forget u man hope u do well
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Anonymous44: I'm gonna blow my brains out for AwesomeArtist leaving the site. I imagine that there'll be lots of SMOKing brains on the wall, due to a GUN. Words in this sentence = FOUR.
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thier is an artist named lucky jack who is probably AwesomeArtist if he just wanted to quit drawing avatar pics he should have said so and not acted like a dramafag about it.
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lucky jack= AwesomeArtist
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Anonymous47: um gunsmoke24? is that u?
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Anonymous48: Wow...

Is it bad that I'm getting depressed over porn?
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Anonymous49: Anyone remember BadassGuy? I have a feeling it's a similar case.
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Anonymous50: Nube who tagged it couldn't tell tell that BLUE IS REI'S PLUG SUIT! It ain't Asuka's!
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Anonymous51: he shall be missed.
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Anonymous52: What a juicy ass :)
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Anonymous53: WELL i miss AwesomeArtist's PERFECT works, and beautiful detail and proportion of his drawings. I hope his return ;)
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Anonymous54: gumsmoke4 indeed. naow lucky jack 9001 is not gumsmoke4 i saw he sed "i guess i took AwesomeArtist's tutorials very seriously" in some imageboard.

who the fuck is badassguy?
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Anonymous55: look at that ass :)
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TreeAnt: Man, I have trouble eating a cheeseburger while driving. This sort of thing is probably as complex as changing your shirt with the seat belt on.
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Anonymous56: what are they driving?
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craggle: APPA unit 1.
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nederlander: To honor is leaving i will fire my gun till my room will be full of smoke...
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Anonymous57: LOL at nederlander for the best clue EVER!!!!
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Anonymous58: OH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't leave us, we need you!! Look at all message above me if you don't believe
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Anonymous59: Best of luck, G-Man, for the things you want to achieve. So long and thanks for all the porn.
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Anonymous60: pretty much the only decent artist on this site, now its all shit
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Anonymous61: Hes a douche for leaving
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Anonymous62: holy crossovers batman! O_o
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Anonymous64: cock from leg?!?!?
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come back, smoky, apo. we all really miss you.
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Anonymous66: Ev-Aang-elion
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Anonymous67: Tnx for your work!
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Anonymous68(67): The king of avatar porn: AwesomeArtist 4!
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Anonymous69: AwesomeArtist we miss you ... and your avatar art.
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- ... -

Ev-Aang-elion ,Thats was neat!
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Anonymous70: I want to suck that cock so bad.
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Anonymous71: anon68 is a FAG
lol 69
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Anonymous72: Nice
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QuackMcFap: We need moar Avatar features, they seem to be pretty fappable most of the time.
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Anonymous73: I just wanted to point out that i miss GS4 :'c
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Anonymous74: dont suppose any buddy have a bunch of his works to download.
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Anonymous75: Well this is a combo I never thoight Id see.
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Anonymous76: They say that CP is bad because by watching it you encourage those pedos to molest those children. But who do these loli art pics harm? That's bullshit fuck Canada! they should ban horror movies as well, i bet they "murder" more people than these pics "molest" little kids!
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Anonymous77: we miss you AwesomeArtist!!
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Anonymous78: If it weren't for Canada, none of you Amerifags would be wanking off to this and all of his other work to begin with. Now go fuck an oil drum or something.
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Saiyaman: So cute.
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Anonymous79: He can drive a plane,
and have sex
at the same time?
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TheAnonymousHacker: Since no one here can understand what Titanium is saying, here it is in big ol' plain Engrish. AWESOME ARTIST IS NO MORE. By their former or current name. They will not repost. They will not return. IT'S OVER. Although, I bet you within the month someone will comment "Wheres AwesomeArtist" below me.
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TheAnonymousHacker: And Anon77, of course he can. He's the fucking Avatar. Literally.
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Anonymous80: @TheAnonymousHacker, now he's SunsetRiders7. He's not posted anything for a while though.
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Anonymous81: He is still alive....

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