Fox_McCloud: in one of the episodes, Dr Robotnick said "snooPING AS usual i see.... and the way he said it sounded like he said PENIS... and thus the MEME was born!
Moleman9000: The picture itself isn't bad, it's very funny, but we don't come to Rule 34 for the funny, we come to masturbate. You should put this on a site where it can be properly appreciated, like YouChewPoop.
Anonymous20: Moleman9000, your one point off from being the god of retardation (which is at least lvl 9001).
People come here for the funny while masturbating.
Because we are SICK FUCKS.
Moleman9000: @Anon20 Well, I guess you have a point there. What I'm trying to say is that this pic belongs on a different site, but I'm not saying we should remove it from here, of course.
Anonymous25: That's maybe the first time I've seen testes be an approximation of breasts! (Or is it the other way around?) And I was thinking the same shinybrightbulb... XFD
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Also, feature!
People come here for the funny while masturbating.
Because we are SICK FUCKS.
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