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Anonymous1: 7/03/10???? Today June 16, 2010.
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Anonymous2: You must be American. 7th, March 2010 or 7/3/10 is the proper date format used by the whole rest of the world...
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Anonymous3: DD/MM/YY
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Anonymous4: Unfortunately, it isn't just those two dates formats that are used.

There are people that use Month/Day/Year, Year/Day/Month, Month/Year/Day, Day/Month/Year, Day/Year/Month, and Year/Month/Day formats.

It makes it very difficult to stock stuff.
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Anonymous5: Sure is getting unintentionally trolled in here. Anon was confused not at the format but the fact that it was made either March 7th or July 3rd when he was noting TODAY's date. Also, the 10 is the year as something like this would have turned up here sooner than 3-7 years earlier, and since July hasn't occurred yet the only feasable solution, short of a time paradox, is that the picture was created/stamped on March 7th 2010.

Thank you and goodbye gentlemen.
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Anonymous6: This picture was drawn on that date, but it was colored just now.....
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Chef_Retardee: Just now? But it's been up for hours!
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Anonymous7: i liked it better black and white
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MERKLEY: Fuck the date! The yellow squirrel-cunt just came!!!
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Anonymous8: Eleanor & Theodore seem to be enjoying themselves

I think theodore just Cummed
Simon cummed a while ago & is tired nao

Alvin hasn't cummed yet he's holding it in

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Anonymous10: Fat guys preform better in bed, then skinny guys do. So, score 1 for the fat man!
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Anonymous11: Whild dd/mm/yy does make the most logical sense, it does not work with the way English speakers say what the date is. I don't know how it's done in other languages.

You don't say "twelve, January, 2010". Some say "the twelfth of January, 2010", but using "January twelfth, 2010" is the most common. Hence why it is written 01/12/2010
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Yet_One_More_Idiot: Wrong, Anon11; the common way in England of saying dates is (eg. 28/10/10), "28th of October 2010". "October 28th, 2010" is the Americanised form of saying the date.
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JWN926: Funny... American Navy uses DD/MM/YYYY...
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Anonymous13: fkin datefags
LOOK DAMNIT I read that since Fox would not consider the Chipmunks a real band that guy cut his contract with Fox and there will not be a third movie!!!!
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Dr-Cane: ^at least those are good news, no more food for the squirrels in your pants
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Anonymous14: Alvin and Brittney are in mid-range, or almost done, Simon and Jeanette are the first ones to go, and as for Eleanor and Theodore, well, you know what they say about the quiet ones. ;)
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Anonymous15(14): Damn, looks like Alvin and Brittney were just about done, Simon and Jeanette finshed a while a go, and as for Theodore and Eleanor, well, you know what they say about the quiet ones. ;)
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Anonymous16: I find a lot of the chipmunk sex images offensive, but this one is actually okay. They aren't presented in some dumb porn fashion. It's a little odd that they're all doing it right next to each other (but I suppose that's how things would work in the animal world). I will say that it's funny to imagine the CG munks having sex, since they have no visible genitals. Still it's inoffensive as far as they go, and the expressions are cute. Plus Ellie actually appears to be enjoying it (unlike some of these other images)
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Anonymous17: Anon 16 again. I'll just say, this is almost a cruel bit of humor in a way. Ellie is obviously trying real hard (based on her flying hair) to climax, but sadly for her, she's never going to make it. Because she's lacking the one body part, essential to female orgasm... A vagina. Sorry El. You can go on about how you "just wanna hang out with," but when it gets right down to it, you can hump your boyfriend's dickless crotch till you both have repetitive stress injuries, but you'll never make it. So you may as well quit now. Looks like a valiant effort though.
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Lemiwinks450: Wow, who knew Ellie was such a screamer? :D
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Anonymous18: wtf boom hahahahahhahahahahha
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Anonymous19: So uh...what exactly is going on here?
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Anonymous20: i love Simon and Jeanette's expressions; They're just like 'D'aw, orgasm!' and Theodore and Eleanore are like WTF IS GOING ON OVER THERE O_O
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Anonymous21: uh anon 20 Theo and Eleanore are the ones having orgasms. Alvin and Britney are in the back.
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Anonymous22: that one is cute. at last.
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Anonymous23: Dayum, Eleanor.
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Anonymous24: Eleanor went supersaiyan
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Anonymous27: Eleanor and Theodore are really enjoying it. That's Theodore's woman and that's her man.
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Anonymous28(27): Simon and Jeanette just got through doing it and now I think Alvin and Brittany are about to do it or have already done it, but now they're just watching Theodore and Eleanor having sex.

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