Anonymous2(1): This is anon1 again. Santtu, when I put the comment up, it said carnifex, but the tag was then changed to hive tyrant.
Still don't understand though.
TwoWhiteSocks: Could you imagine the psychic shockwave from a Hive Tyrant's orgasm on the rest of the brood?
"Place a hula hoop over the board, centered on the main synapse creature. Tip all Tyranids inside the hoop over as they all spontaneously freeze in their tracks, climax, and fall over asleep. All enemy troops suffer automatic S3 hits from being hit by random spurts of corrosive xenojism."
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Still don't understand though.
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"Place a hula hoop over the board, centered on the main synapse creature. Tip all Tyranids inside the hoop over as they all spontaneously freeze in their tracks, climax, and fall over asleep. All enemy troops suffer automatic S3 hits from being hit by random spurts of corrosive xenojism."