Carvin: Interesting fact. All bees you see are female. Males are only in the hive, because they are sex drones, they barely do the most menial of labour and are mostly used as foder to protect the queen during attacks. Worker bees have stingers which are actually a 'mutation' of their female parts. Queens do not mutate this way because they eat royal jelly.
So, to answer your question, Kharnov, it does involve that stinger- but, on the plus side, she can't get pregnant.
Anonymous8(7): So basically Carvin, you're saying that we'd have to impale our cocks on her stinger in order to have sex with her?
Shadow-Mage: I'd tap that. *Fucks the horny bee*
I just tapped that.
Also, Anon7 FAILS AT LIFE for being so fucktardishly stupid that he thinks "knowing what year a specific Porkyman was released" meets the criteria for FAIL. Go crawl back under your rock and stay there until you learn the real criteria for a FAIL, you dumbass.
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Also, Anon5 fails HARD for knowing what year a specific Porkyman was released.
So, to answer your question, Kharnov, it does involve that stinger- but, on the plus side, she can't get pregnant.
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I just tapped that.
Also, Anon7 FAILS AT LIFE for being so fucktardishly stupid that he thinks "knowing what year a specific Porkyman was released" meets the criteria for FAIL. Go crawl back under your rock and stay there until you learn the real criteria for a FAIL, you dumbass.
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clearly this was drawn before then.