Witchan: Teached? As a matter of fact it's not, for fuck's face. Jesus Christ, some of you guys should know porn a bit better instead of thinking that someone is teaching another person about sex. Some people here are just too retarded...
*facepalm* It's not teach, dumbass. Have you ever heard of "watching two people having intercourse with each other without talking"? Go kill yourself, you dumb fuck.
IamSlick: A couple things that I thought of, 1. Why does it seem that Black's boobz get bigger in the top-right panel, and why doesn't Lyra wanna join!?
Anonymous16: I will say one thing. I am of the generation that played the old games of Porkyman on gameboy color when I was a kid. Emerald I played when I was older and it's my favorite Porkyman game. Platinum I did not like the script and some Porkyman very much, but the game is pretty fun. And this new generation is bad. ALL the Pokemons sucks ass and the program has lost its grace. But if there's one positive thing in the middle of all this, is that girl. One of the hottest in Porkyman's history.
btw White's older than Lyra
so...that doesn't mean she can't be more exprienced
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that is all
"ok, now I shouldn't have anything more to teach. Good luck, you two!"
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*facepalm* It's not teach, dumbass. Have you ever heard of "watching two people having intercourse with each other without talking"? Go kill yourself, you dumb fuck.
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I screw that comment.