rubyflygon: well yeah if you see it the tail starts on mewtwo's belly and goes between the legs, but it it looks short to me. i first saw it and thought mewtwo had both XD
Anonymous6: I would hate to sound nerdy...but what the hell.
The tail, belly and bottom of the pelvis are just the same color, that's not where the tell starts.
Anonymous7: to be completely objective, it is possibly canon. Consider this, MewTwo is a clone. That it was so messed up to look like it does, makes the tail on the wrong side possible. Giovanni is a crime boss, do not doubt he cut corners on the process.
Anonymous8(6): Anon 6 here: Well pretty sure its doesn't start there because think about it from the creators point of would be like a giant
Anonymous10: aesthetically unpleasant. The tail mad elike that has no harmony or balance.
Oh by the way canonincal pics.
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The tail, belly and bottom of the pelvis are just the same color, that's not where the tell starts.
Oh by the way canonincal pics.