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TagsBen_10, Ben_Tennyson, Dankwart, Fourarms, Gwen_Tennyson
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Info786x1081 // 527KB // jpg
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Anonymous1: WHAT A FUCK, BEN
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Jiya: OPS
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Nezu_Chiza: It amuses me that she'd rather have Stinkfly or Heatblast.
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Anonymous2: or diamondhead. ouch
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Anonymous3: hey it least its not that huge fucker from that one movie umm..... the one were the omnitrix gonna CABOOM.. nd shit... but... what was i talking about
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Anonymous4: finger in the ass is win

anonymous agreed
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Anonymous5: Just fucking split the bitch in half.
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deuce: Creepy cockhead is creepy.
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duckpenisexpert: o_o My inner English teacher is rolling around.

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SlippyTheToad: I love porn, but it completely kills any wood I have when I see them butchering the English language like that.
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ByPopularRequest: They should've just left out the words, I mean you get the gist of it from the picture itself.
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DragonShade44: Who cares if it's "what the fuck" or "what a fuck".. the rest of the english is perfectly fine.
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Anonymous6: You know, that's why many artists stop posting pics or sharing them.
Who cares if its "the" or "a"??? Why don't you do a constructive criticism about it instead of mocking?
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Twin_Uzis: Anon6: Mocking IS constructive criticism. Next time, they know not to do whatever people were making fun of.
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dankwart: You know what, that's precisely the kind of thing that made me leave rule34...I did these pics for juvcameron and used the text he provided me.
If it's correct or wrong I don't care, but everytime they post these pics everybody start bitching about stupid things.
Sorry Twin_Uzis, by definition mocking is not constructive criticism, it's just a way to ridicularize someone.
Thanks to DragonShade44, Anon6 and all the guys who just left their comments without any mockery.
I never asked for praise, just fair criticism...
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craggle: dankwart, i will praise you, and juvcameron for requesting or commissioning them. your art is good, and the pic is good. but you should not sweat the little things like that. people make fun of things because we're bored and it's funny to do so. so you made a mistake (or juv did). it's not one that takes away from the quality of the work, it just gives people a little laugh. like when a friend does something stupid and you razz him about it.
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Anonymous7: don't worry Dankwart we still love your art.
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Anonymous8: Yeah, and We love Gwen porn.
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Cheetaur: Thanks Dankwart your Ben 10 art is appreciated. :)
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Anonymous9: Appreciated? whats wrong with you man! it's awesome! great! hot! magnific!... appreciated... ha!
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Incognitymous: @dankwart: craggle is right. Don't let the trolls push you away with their trolling. It's just what they do. However, if your work is being mocked because of improper grammar or spelling on the commissioner's part then I would consider asking them if I could not revise their dialog but perhaps correct any noticeable grammatical errors. It's a shame to see a good drawing get bashed for something so minute. While you may not personally care whether or not the grammar is correct it would still probably be beneficial for you in the long run (you would at least get criticism based on your image and not the commissioner's dialog).

As far as criticism goes I personally think the piece is good. The only thing that bugs me is Gwen's right hand. The size/proportions and everything are good, I just don't like how bold the lines in the palm are. It makes her palm look broken up into two separate lumps rather than being a single, solid mass. I would either break up the lines in areas like that (probably not a good idea with this piece since your lines are so consistent all over) or just stick with shadows to define the form (which would likely be the better choice since you did a lot of that on Fourarms/Gwen's legs).

It's a minor thing in the end and I suppose one could argue that it is consistent enough with your overall style but for some reason it really jumps out at me.
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dankwart: Thanks a lot caggle, Anon7,8,9, Cheetaur and mostly Incognitymous. Appreciate the praise but really appreciate your comments incognitymous!

The first time, when it was finished, I noticed the same problem with the lines but didn't fix it because time was short and had many other things to do...I sent the pic and the client said it was ok so I didn't bother taking a second look.

As for the grammar, again, time is the issue...nowadays I'm not making commissions anymore. I owed those pics and just now I was able to finish them.
My job takes most of my time and drawing is becoming more and more difficult for me. So I didn't check it due to the short time I had.

I've been trying to create a routine so I could manage to do more pics but it's hard to do it...

And to everybody at rule34, I'm not pissed with the comments or you guys but it would help me improve my skills if I had more criticism as the one above.
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Roflcakes: I fucken' love the finger up the butt. Also, stop being a pussy Gwen, you can take it... You WILL take it.
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Anonymous10: Hey Dankwart I love your work, don't give a crap about what any trolls say and in the past you dished out quality rule34 material! Text dialogue shouldn't bother ppl if they're looking at pictures to fap to, who the fuck complains about dialogue!? Anyway, one of your newer ones recently really made my summer, your Ben10 ultimate alien pic of Ben's mom blowing him. I never thought any artist would do that and you blow me away with it! I was so stoked and happy that there was a Sandra Tennyson pic finally! Nothing trolls say matters and you are a fantastic artist. Fuck dialogue and text, these pictures are for fapping! Love your work, dude. Don't stop.;)
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Anonymous11: Dankwart, just for the sake of artistic experimentation, why not try to draw human Ben f***ing Gwen in her pussy? It's ok if you don't want to.
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Anonymous12: I will never stop being a grammar nazi about pictures for one simple reason: if an artist can take the time to draw a picture, which in most cases takes at LEAST a few hours, they can take ten seconds to proofread their damn dialogue. anyone who can't deserves to be ridiculed.
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Anonymous13: MOAR.
Also, only one dick?
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Anonymous14: nice since Fourarms penis is so big he use his finger
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Anonymous15: @ anon 3
his name was Way-big
@ Artist
Love the artwork
and I personally like typos cause they make me laugh and I allways laugh at people who bitch about them.
5/5(If I could rate on this site)
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Anonymous16: bitch
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Anonymous17: WHAT A FUCK LOL
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scarecrow: She should take it anyways
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Anonymous18: This pic should'nt have had sentence bubbles in the first place, that way the viewer could use their imagination to figure out what kind of conversation they were having.
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kyle724: ^ it was a commission, if its not up to the customers standards dank doesnt get paid. So he had to.
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RocknRolla: She has her finger in his pee hole ._.
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Anonymous19: He needs to do a.whole set of gwen getting pounded by all the aliens
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scarecrow: TAKE It
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Anonymous20: QUE PORRA BEN
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Anonymous21: all hail the porn
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Anonymous22: cmon just pound it in she can take it cuz shes a toon
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Anonymous23: DHANKAN
cmon just pound it in she can take it cuz shes a toon
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Anonymous24: so hot rule34
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Brownhouse: jiya, lol
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deadlikeme88: hotttttt but that girl ruins it for me...
time to photoshop!
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Anonymous25: pearly penile should have that checked by a doctor, Fourarms....,
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Anonymous26: its rather sad that while reading this in my head i could hear their voices saying it...
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Anonymous27: :0
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Anonymous29: The Best Alien Dick EVEEEER
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JeffMoreau: The Best One-Liner EVEEEER.
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18ThePlayer: Oh yes, destroy her holes

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