Anonymous13: I killed that guy because he pissed me off and I wanted to steal all of his stuff but he was bound to notice me steal something. I let the whores live just because I wanted them to stick around and they weren't a threat.
Anonymous17(13): I'm sure the animation of this mod isn't realistic. This one picture is probably the most realistic screenshot of this mod you can get. You know without their bodies getting all weird and parts of them going through each other.
Anonymous19: I don't think downtown DC is the safest place to screw around. Dukov's is situated nicely between a Raider camp, a Super Mutant camp and an Enclave outpost.
footlovingfurry666: Sweet, I would love to be fox right now, feeling Krystal's warm, soft footpaws around my big warm hard cock. Mmmm, God someone be my krystal >:3 Guy Girl i dont care, someone be my krystal >:3
Anonymous22: For me an enclave officer chick( of which we need porn) practically lives in his doorway so whenever I go go
Anonymous23: ^^^^ now you see, that "footlovingfurry666" guy's an example of why furries are hated by many. I have a firm belief in the army tradition "don't ask, don't tell" and he just blew that wide open. Then he asked for someone to fursuit-fuck him/her, with gender not being an issue. My other firm belief is that people who wear fursuits are NOT furries. They are plushies.
Also he has 666 in his name, so it promotes furry sex as being endorsed by the devil.
Anonymous24: I have to agree with Anonymous23, a certain number of furries do not seem to know when to say something like that aloud. I'm a furry and I go by that don't ask, don't tell belief. cause people do not want to hear of your fetish in public
Anonymous25: I'm a furry more of the "tell only if it's relevant" policy. I have weird fetishes, too, unrelated to furry things. If we ever have something involving an Argonian getting raped by an egg-implanting tentacle monster, I'll comment about Argonians and tentacle monsters and eggs. Else... yeah. Oh snap, comment related to this pic needed.
Wolf looks oddly fitting in the drab Fallout setting.
I think its a mod
Also he has 666 in his name, so it promotes furry sex as being endorsed by the devil.
Wolf looks oddly fitting in the drab Fallout setting.
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