MetalixK: Amazingly, Woozle has a point there. Actually, putting some thought into this little bit of trivia could result in Freud having a field day.
"Zee artists are unable to accept zee thought that a woman has enough power to rival if not surpass that of zee world's strangest man. Thus, they add zee genitalia of zee male to try and compensate by ztating zat she iz powerful BECAUSE she is partially male!"
Or I'm just looking WAY to into this and people just like her more as a futa. Though I like my theory more.
chrissy: I have two conditions in order to enjoy futa.
1) Another non-futa girl must be involved and 2) No balls on the futa. I can't stand balls. All wrinkly and shit. XP
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"Zee artists are unable to accept zee thought that a woman has enough power to rival if not surpass that of zee world's strangest man. Thus, they add zee genitalia of zee male to try and compensate by ztating zat she iz powerful BECAUSE she is partially male!"
Or I'm just looking WAY to into this and people just like her more as a futa. Though I like my theory more.
I'd say you're onto something.
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Thank god I can shoop this shit out.
To explain the jizz: Well, it obviously comes from the person watching this scene (i.e., us! ^_^)
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1) Another non-futa girl must be involved and 2) No balls on the futa. I can't stand balls. All wrinkly and shit. XP
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