Anonomos: I doubt there is any correlation at all. As already stated, obviously not traced, and it's a pretty generic cunnilingus pose. Chances are you can find more as nearly identical as this if you search long enough.
Carvin: Yea, this is obviously not a trace- it's a refrence. Just like if you used a picture when drawing. Though he could have done more originality in the facial expression, it's still completely legit. Come on you not artfags- you think artist just pull shit out of their asses?
Anonymous9: Possibly a reference, but it seems a fairly standard position and it isn't exactly the same pose. The one to the left is just a random loli girl, Hentaioni.
Sarahsuke: I'm guessing people are cutting Raylude slack about this because of his popularity, and out of the fear that he might stop making art altogether.
TheMuffin: Cutting him slack how? It's reference only. No tracing was done. Artists use references on a constant basis. This isn't any different than painting a picture of a naked chick in front of you. Or drawing a landscape by looking out your window for ideas.
Anonymous15: did you even think its possible that he used that pic or a pic like it was a reference, its a think that ARTIST do when they aren't familiar with a pose or gueturea and often leads to said artist improving there skills...
Kyhin: Ray did nothing wrong here, you can tell just by how different the pictures are that he doesn't only know what he's doing, but he's doing it better. He simply referenced the pose, that is all.
I think he should have gave it more of a perspective like the left one, but that's just me.
Anonymous18: Does it actually matter? Honestly? Cuz this is a free site right? So it's not like any legal action needs or can be taken. Besides, we're all just here to fap, and if you're on here to complain and review art then you have been hentai desensitized and I pity you greatly.
Haen: Firstly, I take offense to the Irish comment, Anon19. Secondly, who the fuck is Raylude? Sorry I don't memorize the artists, I'm too busy fapping to their awesome work. And thirdly, why the fuck has this 'debate' lasted so long?
Bottom line;
It's a good picture. It was a picture meant to fap. And unless I'm mistaken, I don't see either artist here to bitch about the picture, so, you shouldn't be either.
Shut the fuck up, pull your pants down, and start wacking off or fingering yourself or whatever the fuck you do.
Anonymous21: Anon20, this is very obviously NOT a trace. The poses are very close, but the lines and everything are very different to the point where free-handing it would be EASIER than trying to trace it and still make it so different.
Anonymous24: if he drew it comes from his skill his ability to bring it to is not a cut paste job is not "shoop" as they say around here is drawn by someone who can draw on paper not just in photo_shop...
like or hate it this is your right
....but please respect the work for being just that... work
Anonymous25: Even if this were a straight up trace, I don't understand why people on this site give a shit. The point of rule 34 is to see certain characters in sexual positions. If someone can give me an image of Katara eating out Toph's pussy and make it really sexy and convincing, then I have no reason to give a single fuck how they did it, be it tracing, photo shopping, or whatever. All my dick cares about is the end result. Anaxus is pretty much the only person these days who does show accurate Avatar porn. Sometimes they can be hit or miss, but now and then he puts out a really good one. Nobody else out there is consistently putting out show accurate Avatar stuff like he does, and yet people have chased him away a couple of times now simply because he's a tracer. What a bunch of faggots.
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this is no copy.
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I think he should have gave it more of a perspective like the left one, but that's just me.
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Bottom line;
It's a good picture. It was a picture meant to fap. And unless I'm mistaken, I don't see either artist here to bitch about the picture, so, you shouldn't be either.
Shut the fuck up, pull your pants down, and start wacking off or fingering yourself or whatever the fuck you do.
Are you blind or something?
Both shitty pictures nevertheless.
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like or hate it this is your right
....but please respect the work for being just that... work