Anonymous1: I kinda prefer DC animated Mercy. But she looked quite alright as a hot Asian chick. I mean until she was killed off quickly and suddenly for whatever reason. I don’t know if it was meant to be surprising like the deaths of Superman or Jimmy Olsen but they all seemed wasteful to me. Like a byproduct of a bad writer who has no good ideas on what to do with these characters besides kill them off for shock value. Who seriously thought it was a good idea to kill Superman off in his second movie?
appealus: The same people who thought it was a good idea to rush into a Cinematic Universe instead of taking time to establish the characters. The fucking Studio. Blaming the writer is pointless because there's no way they would let you kill off any named character unless they wanted it to happen. Too much studio interference is a HUGE problem at WB, hopefully they've learned to get out of their own way and let the people they hired do their jobs.
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